I’m constantly amazed at how the mind works…especially when one is NOT at the top of his/her game.

Such has been the case with yours truly over the past few days and weeks…while in bed.

There’s an inexplicable pessimism and gloom within the American electorate…NO matter the source. Much of it is due to this little toy of technology that I’m currently typing on.

The double-edged sword that is the internet provides us with a galactic range of useful tools and information and a sewer pipe of useless, dangerous garbage.

There are multiple moments where the country almost seems like it does NOT want to be happy because happiness has been bought into the daily narrative that it shouldn’t be!!! A constant drumbeat NO matter where one looks and listens.

Where are the role models?!!

Certainly, there are NONE to be found in the Re’Trump’lican Caucus!!! Its members are uncouth, ill-behaved, NOT literate to any large degree, defiant, threatening, and loud.

Their voters do NOT seem to understand!!! that they are blighting their own lives and their children’s lives voting for people of such low quality.

Tuning out is NOT an option, but turning the filters on to much of what one hears should to be seen as essential for survival.


Life, over the last two-plus weeks, has NOT been pleasant.

As some of you ALREADY know, the old Lobsterman is back on CHEMO

It’s my second venture with this form of insidious treatment; but…we do what we have to do to, hopefully, pushing back the tide with a temporary breakwater.

Since late Monday afternoon, the retention of food and fluids has NOT been for those weak in the knees.


I felt somewhat emboldened this morning…enough to get back on the keyboard.

Things may be erratic in the coming days…but the spirit is still there!!!

Chin up…


The proof continues to roll in…

Boy Orange is a complete and utter fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In six days, Donald John Trump must secure an appeal bond for roughly half a billion dollars in his civil fraud case in New York, a possibility that was called into question, and doubt yesterday.

Why would anyone be surprised??!!?!

If he can NOT produce the bond by March 25th, Trump faces the possibility of financial disaster and humiliation…yes, yes, yes, yes.

New York’s attorney general, who brought the fraud case, would be entitled to collect the $454 million and could seek to seize Trump’s New York properties and/or freeze his bank accounts.

To the old Lobsterman, it now would seem that his cash is demonstrably tough to come by, meaning: he’ll NOT be able to keep ALL the appeals in the air and pay the lawyers and keep the campaign going and continue his loans. Being cash poor, he is likely in violation of various real estate loans that could be called in by his banks if his pledges to keep levels of liquidity are NO longer possible. More so. his portfolio is in danger of letting his house-of-cards borrowing hit the skids.

Trump is a massive national security risk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There should be little doubt what will he do for half a billion dollars.

And think about this, he’s about to start getting ‘high security briefings’ – which are typical – for a presumptive Republican nominee.


The defense effort to disqualify!!!!!!!!! Fulton County (GA) District Attorney Fani Willis began in early January, upending the RICO/Trump case and making it unlikely to reach trial before the November rematch between Trump and Biden.

Any attempts to appeal yesterday’s ruling by Judge Scott McAfee of Fulton County Superior Court could delay matters even further.

After revelations of Willis’s romance with a subordinate sent the Georgia criminal case against Donald John Trump down a two-month detour worthy of a week-day soap opera, the judge’s ruling resolved a major cliffhanger: Willis could continue prosecuting the case, so long as her ex-boyfriend withdrew from it…which he did.

It is NOT clear how much Nathan Wade’s resignation sets back the case. Willis has described him as a longtime trusted ally [in what context??!!!?]. And as the manager of the Trump prosecution team since November 2021, he possesses a wealth of institutional knowledge that would have been particularly helpful if the case stretches out for months, or even years.

To me, the “odor of mendacity” is a big deal, with ALL the involved players smothered with the odor.

Did Willis perjure herself under oath?!! Testimony from acquaintances and cellphone records suggest yes.

Willis should withdraw, but obviously won’t. What a mess.

It’s like watching the recasting of The Rocky Horror Show!!!


With one Michael Whatley, the former chairman of the North Carolina GOP, and last year’s general counsel for the Republican National Committee (RNC), now poised for a far bigger and more consequential role: Donald John Trump handpicked him to succeed Ronna McDaniel as the RNC‘s chair, and last week Whatley was unanimously voted to the position!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after McDaniel was shoved to the pavement. 

In addition to Whatley, the party will start to enjoy the loud-mouth shadow of Laura Trump [Boy Oranges daughter-in-law] as Whatley’s ‘assistant.’

Trump’s selection of Whatley sums up the Orange Despot‘s vision for the new RNC.

Trump wants it to share his obsession with the false idea that Biden and Dems stole the ’20 election from him and are working to do it again in ’24. Trump believes Whatley is more in sync with his views about voter fraud than McDaniel, and he has insisted that Whatley will stop Dems from “cheating” in November.

Everyone who associates with the Orange Manchild ends up in jail, disbarred, poor, and/or out of a job. I’m sure it will be different for you, Mr. Chairman.

With Whately and Lara taking over the RNC, the complete and total destruction of the Republican Party, as I once knew it, is now nearly complete.

The old Lobsterman will make book that within 3 to 5 years, the financial shenanigans that will now take place, will be revealed, and the RNC will get hit with some sort of RICO or racketeering drama, which will define the party’s legacy as NOTHING more than a criminal organization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The collective gasping for air you’ll start hearing around mid-afternoon today will be Democrats as they await the 46th president’s State of the Union speech tonight.

Democratic lawmakers, as a group, are unanimous in their opinion that Biden’s performance will be pivotal/crucial! for his attempts to dispel voter concerns about his age.

What the old Lobsterman will be looking for – especially – is how hard Biden will present Donald John Trump as a dire threat to democracy and Americans’ freedoms.

Yes, I know, it would break with decades of political tradition to attack a campaign rival by name during the address, but Biden and allied Dems have argued throughout his campaign that 2024 may be an inflection point that calls for unusual measures.

Keep in mind, the opponent one faces is like NONE ever in the history of American politics.

Sadly, most of the voters Biden will need to win re-election probably won’t be watching the speech live anyway. They are generally NOT paying attention to politics eight months before the general election, and are more likely to catch clips of the speech on TikTok.

The more closely one follows the news, the more likely one is to recognize the immense danger posed by the prospect of another term of the Orange Despot. The more one understands the nature and extent of his misdeeds, the more likely one is to reject Trump’s candidacy, regardless of one’s opinion of Biden.

What is the best way to reach these voters?

I believe that a massive flood of ads showing Trump ranting incoherently will shake them up, jar many out of their lethargy, and, yes, get them to realize before it’s too late that our democracy would be gravely imperiled by a second Trump term.

Over-saturate ALL forms of news outlets – traditional and otherwise – of the defined evils of the Orange Lucifer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Elon Musk, come on down…

With a net worth of around $200 billion, according to Forbes, Musk could decide to throw his weight behind Donald John Trump and potentially, almost single-handedly, erase what is expected to be Biden and his allies’ huge financial advantage over Boy Orange.

Trump, who is urgently seeking a cash infusion!!! to aid his presidential campaign, met this past Sunday in Palm Beach, with Musk, and a few wealthy Republican donors, according to several media outlets this morning.

Sounds like another oligarch in support of a dictator.

Remember the good olde days when Trump said he was a billionaire businessman who couldn’t be bought?!!

He didn’t need outside money?!!

It’s beginning to look like the cast of villains in a Batman movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone better secure the coordinates of our satellite stations…