Back in 2019, the Orange Despot declared to his cult members, “I have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president,” referring to the portion of the Constitution that creates and empowers the presidency.

Well, boys and girls, our Supreme Court will hear arguments today over Donald John Trump’s claim that criminal charges against him in the federal election subversion case must be thrown out because the Constitution makes him ALL but immune?!! from being prosecuted for actions he took as president – NO matter what the evidence may show.

More specifically, and put another way, that vision of a presidency operating above the law dovetails with second-term plans that Boy Orange and his allies are making to eliminate!!! myriad internal checks and balances on the executive branch and to centralize greater power in his hands.

Such a move would include eliminating independent agencies and job protections for tens of thousands of senior civil servants.

If Trump does win a second term and enacts these plans, the policies will inevitably lead to legal challenges in the courts that will arrive before the same Supreme Court that is now deciding Trump’s broad claim to be immune from criminal prosecution over arguably official actions.

Buckle up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


While a Manhattan jury weighs the evidence of Boy Orange‘s alleged crimes, it’s the American people who will weigh the evidence of Donald John Trump’s actions.

His party has allowed him to act with impunity, but Americans voters still have the power to deliver accountability.

They should consider NOT only the facts presented during the trial – the details about his judgment, his character and the way he conducted his life and his business – but also his disregard!!! for the rule of law and his willingness to demean!!! American justice when it suits his interests

Thus far, it’s the American people who are NOT getting a fair trial, given that the system bends itself into a pretzel to give Trump every consideration, considerations that most everyone else would NOT be given. So…he’s getting much more than a fair trial. If only everyone did NOT tiptoe around him and showed some spine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He should have been found “in contempt” and put in jail – immediately – when he flagrantly violated judges’ orders.

Name me someone – anyone – charged with 91 felony counts in four states who escaped responsibility for ALL such charges?!!

Whichever side you are on, if this happens it will be a sure sign that something is terribly wrong with our justice system; political landscape; and western civilization, requiring years of repair, collective thought and societal forbearance.


It’s NOT only TAX DAY, but…

It’s also the start of the trial, in which Donald John Trump will be accused of orchestrating the cover-up!!!!!!!!! of a simmering sex scandal surrounding his ’16 presidential campaign.

Jury selection is scheduled to begin this morning, as the first order of business.

NOT since Eugene Debs campaigned from a prison cell more than a century ago [the 2012 presidential campaign] has the country experienced what might now happen: a prominent candidate with a felony conviction running for president. And NEVER before has that candidate been someone with a real chance of winning.

For now, the Orange Despot faces NO significant campaign restrictions.


The Constitution and American law have clear answers for only some of the questions that will arise if he is convicted.

This is the simplest question of the bunch: Can Trump run if convicted?!! The answer is yes.

The second most inquired question: What happens if Trump is elected from prison?!! The initial answer by most legal authorities/scholars – NO ONE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything in between falls into a real legal briar patch.


The general media is just starting to make in-roads with their collective reporting of how more than one hundred conservative tax-exempt organizations have joined forces in support of Donald John Trump and the camp-cult followers of the MAGA agenda, forming a $2 billion-plus political machine.

The Conservative movement is full of reactionary politics and fear mongering based on conspiracy theories, as they react to progressive overreach, that has been going on since the ’08 election, and the birth of the moronic behavior of the Tea Party, and the Freedom Caucus…displaying that few are willing to stand on facts.

Most of the work performed by these nonprofit groups is conducted behind closed doors

Nonprofits like these are able to maintain a cloak of secrecy by positioning themselves as “charitable organizations” under Section 501c of our tax code or as “social welfare organizations” under Section 501c4.

The benefits do NOT end there. The minimal reporting requirements imposed on political nonprofits lend themselves to self-dealing, particularly the payment of high salaries and consulting fees, and the award of contracts to for-profit firms owned by executives of the charitable groups [in ALL honest, that’s the way the $$$ cookie has ALWAYS crumbled!!!].

Looking at just the surface reporting, so far, it seems to the old Lobsterman this activity supports a full prep for an authoritarian takeover, buttressed by the control of the Orange Despot and Trumpists now in control over the GOP and its apparatuses.

Former Trump trolls including the likes of “Marberry Mark” Meadows and Stephen “Pee Wee” Miller run these organizations, according to the Washington Post and New York Times

So, what voters would be electing this Fall is NOT a president who would actually lead the country to better days [which past exposure has ALREADY shown us], but a man who is easily manipulated by lavish praise and satisfaction of his greed for money.

This time, the billionaires are betting that they can control him for their own benefit, which is creating an oligarchy with the “swells” in charge of our government and their concerted ability to generate wealth only for them.

h/t: IRS.


It seems we’re ALL learning a tad more about our legal system as each week rolls by…especially with the impact that one Donald John Trump has brought to court rooms.

Yesterday, federal prosecutors told the judge overseeing Trump’s classified documents case that a “fundamentally flawed” order she had issued was causing delays and asked her to quickly resolve a critical dispute about one of Boy Orange‘s defenses – leaving them time to appeal if needed.

In their filing, prosecutors in the office of the special counsel, Jack Smith, practically begged Judge Aileen Cannon to move the case along and make a binding decision about one of Trump’s most brazen claims: that he can NOT be prosecuted for having taken home!!! a trove of national security documents after leaving office because he transformed them into his own personal property!!! under a law known as the Presidential Records Act.

This risky move by the prosecutors signaled their mounting impatience with Cannon, who has allowed the case to become bogged down in curious procedural requests.

It was the most directly prosecutors have confronted Cannon’s legal reasoning and unhurried pace, which have called into question whether a trial will take place before the election in November?!! even though BOTH sides say they could be ready for one by summer.

Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few. ~ George Bernard Shaw


Behold a pale horse… with golden sneakers and orange hair…

Donald John Trump’s rally audiences are his congregation, and the Orange Despot their pastor as he delivers a roughly 15-minute finale that evokes an evangelical altar call, the emotional tradition that concludes some Christian services in which attendees come forward to commit to their savior.

Throughout the course of Holy Week, we witnessed numerous examples, beyond his pedaling of his $59.99 bible, of Trump’s political creed bringing brought forth with stark examples of his effort to transform the Republican Party into a kind of Church of Trump.

His continual success at portraying his 91 legal indictments as persecutions – and warning, without merit, that his followers could be targeted next – has fueled devout enthusiasm for his candidacy and placed him, once again, in a position to recapture the White House.

As candidate Trump, he follows the well-worn script of megachurch preachers who gather up followers and their money. Boy Orange gets his followers’ adrenaline stoked first with music and then with exhortation. Crowd members – cult followers – feed off each other…they will be the instruments of their own demise, clueless to what they are bringing upon ALL our futures.

The real question is NOT whether Trump, using the tools of demagoguery can subvert democracy, but whether there remains enough Americans to stop him…?!!