Voters in 15 states, including two giants – Texas and California – will head to the polls today for a Super Tuesday that is likely to set a White House rematch in November between Biden and Trump.

The contests will also determine the contours of races for the House and Senate that will shape the legislative branch next year.

The biggest troves of delegates – California has 169 and Texas 161 – are almost certain to go to the Orange Despot, and Super Tuesday looms large for Nikki Haley’s donors, who need to see she has a chance. More than a third of ALL delegates will be allotted today, NOT enough to make Trump the presumptive nominee but enough to make him the prohibitive favorite…which he ALREADY is.

Also of interest, yesterday, the US Supreme Court issued a ruling that reversed!!! the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision striking Donald John Trump from the state’s primary ballot, indicating even insurrectionists who’ve violated their previous oath of office can hold federal office, unless and until Congress passes specific legislation to enforce Section 3 of the Constitution.

Given what we’ve seen of this court, their preference for Trump and even more so for the Republican Party is clear. It will be interesting to see what pretzels they turn themselves into to find a way to grant Trump immunity.

The only saving grace to the Supreme Court‘s scurrilous ruling is that there is another decision coming up for them. Trump was clearly in violation of Section 3, but his toadies on the Court ignored that in favor of placing their figurehead ahead of the welfare of the country. Now, the Court needs to rule on the immunity quandary and whether the country gets back on track again.

Times like NO other…

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