The Supreme Court – last Wednesday – agreed to decide whether Donald John Trump is immune from prosecution on charges of plotting to overturn the ’20 election, further delaying his criminal trial!!! as it considers the matter.

The justices scheduled arguments for the week of April 22nd and said proceedings in the trial court would remain frozen, handing at least an interim victory to Trump. His litigation strategy in ALL of the criminal prosecutions against him has consisted, in large part, of trying to slow things down!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Supreme Court’s response to Boy Orange put the justices in the unusual position of deciding another aspect of Trump’s fate: whether and how quickly Trump could go to trial. That, in turn, could affect his election prospects and, should he be re-elected, his ability to scuttle the prosecution.


When thinking about these circumstances, the old Lobsterman ALWAYS returns to the same point-of-origin: Merrick Garland.

Meaning what?!! you ask…

It was Garland, who sacrificed actual justice in favor of the appearance of justice, dithering and hand wringing for literally years!!! before bringing a case against Trump, or even interviewing the witnesses in a timely manner under oath.

Garland tiptoed around political concerns, avoiding Trump’s case which was pretty likely to have one or more points that might be appealed to the Supreme Court – while he instead directed the DOJ to pursue prosecutions of lesser actors.

As if by doing one, the Justice Department is somehow unable to focus on BOTH, or that a plodding traditional bottom-up investigation best served public interest.

Put in its simplest terms: Lying about election results to retain power does NOT seem to fall under official business.

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