DOWN-TO-WIRE…yet again

Biden will convene the top four congressional leaders at the White House today as lawmakers swiftly run out of time to strike a deal to avert another partial government shutdown.

Joey plans to discuss the urgency of legislation to keep federal funding going past midnight on Friday, as well as his requests for billions of dollars in aid for Ukraine and Israel.

The spending bill is being held up by demands from insane-right lawmakers [children of Trump] in the House, including measures to restrict abortion access, that many members will NOT support.

Re’Trump’licans have brought the government to the brink of a shutdown or a partial shutdown three times in the past six months!!! as they try to win more spending cuts and conservative policy conditions written into how federal money is spent.

With another pair of funding deadlines approaching at the end of this week and next week, lawmakers are now laboring to try to reach an agreement [machinations by a herd of hyenas] to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year.

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