When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

Hope everyone enjoyed Christmas…

As we ALL head into ’24, memories of happiness may be greatly diminished by the presence and smell of slime originating from the obese Orange Despot himself.

This election year will be unlike any other in the history of the Republic.

Donald John Trump is NOT holding anything back in his messaging should he sit in the Oval Office again.

Within hours of him taking office the rule of law will start to disappear. Our federal agencies will exist, but in name only. Every decision they make will be only ones that Boy Orange approves of. Think of ALL of our agencies and the work they perform. And, remember Trump talking about deportations, targeting enemies, his use of the word “vermin,” how he praised a group like Hezbollah, how he adores authoritarian leaders, and the list goes on.

ALL the while, the cult gobbles his every word up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump has repeatedly told follow travelers, “I am your retribution” and vowed to utilize the Justice Department to prosecute his enemies/adversaries – starting with Biden and his family.

Since leaving office, Trump’s advisers and allies, at a network of well-funded groups!!!, have formulates possible policies, created lists of potential personnel and started shaping new legal scaffolding – laying the groundwork for a second Trump presidency they hope will commence on January 20, 2025.

That simply can NOT happen!!!

There is NOTHING left to wonder about on how Chairman Donald would rule.

If he remains the Republican Party candidate, enough of our voters must know/understand the great danger on the ballot and deny him getting back into office.

Without a doubt the most self-obsessed person on Planet Earth, quick to drop any supporter or enabler who ceases to be of use to him.

One only needs to look at Trump for the culture of hate, anger and revenge he brought to Washington, and politics in general.

The Republicans are in disarray at both Houses where they raise their fists against anyone who challenge or question them.

The international community ought to be deeply concerned that Trump is the leading Republican candidate; remember, he will take revenge on anyone who does NOT do his bidding, including those who once were his camp clowns.

Happy New Year, y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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