Next week should be a three-ring circus.

Speaker Mike Johnson, just two weeks into the job, has yet to give any public indication about his plan to prevent!!! a lapse in government spending – currently slated to happen next Friday, the 17th, at midnight if Congress fails to act. 

At odds with one another on spending, House Re’Trump’licans abruptly scrapped their legislative work yesterday and left Washington with little progress toward funding the government and NO plan to avert a shutdown next week.

It was/is yet another reflection of the rifts among House Re’Trump’licans that have made their tiny majority ungovernable, leading to the ouster of their last speaker and so far confounding his successor, who is far more conservative and less experienced.

Whether Johnson is willing to put forward a stopgap spending bill that Dems can accept remains to be seen. That move ultimately doomed his predecessor as speaker, Kevin “The Squatter” McCarthy, after it became clear he could NOT pass a temporary funding measure.

Stock up on your popcorn over the weekend!!!

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