Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner mercenary group who staged a brief mutiny against Russia’s military leadership in June, was listed as a passenger on a plane that crashed yesterday, killing ALL 10 people aboard, according to Russian aviation authorities.

As is so often the case with atrocities in Putin’s Russia, the plane crash was probably exactly what it appeared to be: the assassination of a nettlesome rival by the ruthless ruler.

Putin played the aftermath of the aforementioned mutiny with the same cunning that has kept him in power for more than 20 years, allowing the warlord to leave for Belarus, dropping formal charges against him, inviting him to a reported three-hour chat at the Kremlin, then leaving him free to move about Russia.

The racketeer-turned-caterer-turned-warlord-and-Putin crony NEVER stood a chance against Vlad The Bad!!!

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