Over the last 72-plus hours, there have been growing questions about Ron “Con” DeSantis’s own ability to win over the independent and suburban voters who delivered the White House to Joey Biden, and whether the hard-line stances the governor has taken, including on abortion, will repel the very voters he promises to win back.

Add on top of those issues his feuding with Disney – including an offhand remark this week suggesting he would put a state prison next to the entrance of Disney World – has raised alarms, even among would-be allies.

“DeSanctus is being absolutely destroyed by Disney,” Boy Orange wrote on Tuesday on Truth Social, his media site, using a dismissive nickname!!! for the governor.

Former Governor Chris “Bridgegate” Christie of New Jersey also took a shot, suggesting DeSantis’s talk of punishing a business defied principles about small government.

The criticism reflects a growing effort by Trump and other prospective candidates to try to undermine the core argument of DeSantis’s case for the nomination: that he is the Republican most likely to win a general election.

Advisers to Trump and other possible rivals believe moves like going after Disney will be damaging in a general election, if NOT necessarily in the GOP primary.

Just imagine what we might accomplish if our politicians focused on improving the lives of average Americans and expanding our proper influence around the world, rather than this nonsense that seems to have utterly sucked the oxygen from everything that actually matters.

DeSantis looks foolish going after the largest employer and taxpayer in Florida. There is a hubris emanating from DeSantis that will alienate voters across the country.

Generations of families have grown up with Mickey and Goofy. Picking a fight with them to win over the American voter is about the dumbest idea anyone’s ever had.

MIC…KEY…MICKEY MOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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