JD Vance, the first-time senator from Ohio, is squarely in the spotlight.

And, he’s joined at the hips with Boy Orange, his political sugar daddy.

Vance’s response to the horrific train disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, is just another example of a time-tested method:

  • Create problems;
  • Then blame your opponent for them.

Forgetting Re’Trump’lican deregulation led to this accident and spill!!!

JD Vance’s air of grievance decrying lack of regulation in the transportation industry is rich chowder coming from a Re’Trump’lican.

Almost as rich as his railing against “elites” while enjoying the largesse of Peter Thiel [spend some time researching this individual] and his scholarship to Yale.

It’s dismaying to hear people say, “I feel like he really understands us,” when they really ought to be saying, “I feel like he really knows how to manipulate us.”

Vance is an open fraud, a charlatan, and a person who would abuse his intellectual gifts to prey upon the less gifted.

NEVER forget Elaine Chou – Trump’s ineffective Secretary of Transportation – sat by quietly as Trump, at the behest of the railroads, rolled back current-era train safety regulations.

Did Elaine ever show up at any transportation disaster and or port/harbor supply disruptions??!!!?.

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