THE FIRE is being BUILT!!!

This is the old Lobsterman’s version of a PSAPublic Service Announcement.

It’s grounded in my posting last week about the John Durham special counsel investigation, which was meant to root out the ostensibly corrupt origins of Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, and quickly came to embody the sins!!! that Donald John Trump and his toadies projected onto the FBI…along with many others.

Thus, with that said, of ALL the so-called accomplishments of the modern right – wasting time and money have to top the list.

It is part of the all-encompassing underlying philosophy that guides a political party that has NO interest in creating, advancing, and funding policies; the only noticeable exceptions being policies that undermine government and illuminating questionable characters within their ranks.

The self-fulfilling prophecy of less government for its own sake had an obvious end point. Fueled by grievance and frustration, fear and an increasingly ineffective political system, the self-fulfilled prophecy has resulted in a legislature seemingly locked in an endless chase of its own tail.

It turns out “small government” does small things and NOT particularly well.

A Congress of fiddlers have set the fire that will consume us ALL.

Pete Dennis, please report to Station 3 immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s July AD 64 once again.

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