The status quo can NOT be tolerated!!!

It is NOT working!!!

In a nation where mass gun violence is a constant drumbeat, we, yet again, experienced striking examples of that by two alleged senior citizens.

Within a 72-hour period, in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country, community members and mourners are left holding flowers and candles.

Seven people were shot to death yesterday afternoon in San Mateo County, California, the second mass shooting in the state in three days.

California has been racked by back-to-back mass shootings, leaving at least 18 people dead, along with one of the suspected gunmen.

But the horror of the attacks was NOT limited to the toll, or the speed with which one unfurled after the other.

Californians were struggling to grapple with the specifics and the timing of the shootings. The suspects in BOTH attacks were older Asian men, whose age and ethnicity have been rare in mass shootings. And the victims were Asian and Asian American, many who were still celebrating the Lunar New Year.

The first attack – on Saturday night in Monterey Park – caused the deaths of 11 people and injured at least nine at a joyous dance hall. 

Details were still emerging of yesterday’s shooting – in San Mateo County – but this much was clear: Seven people were dead in attacks at two agricultural locations where many Asian workers toil, and one person was in the hospital.

Just think about this…we’re talking about a dance hall and a place of work – BOTH places of violence.

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