MY JOURNEY…more out than in

This week has, to put it bluntly, been unpleasant, at best.

My body has spent, hour-after-hour, trying to stay hydrated, while also attempting to retain some semblance of sustenance.

In a sentence, I’ve lost more than I’ve been able to keep within…

I don’t think I need to be any more descriptive than that…you know where I’m coming from.

The latter part of last week, and the first three days of this week, the old Lobsterman had to cancel, and then reschedule: blood panels and body and bone scans; I simply could NOT get my body to function to any level of normalcy.

My chief consolation in getting by each hour has been my better half; steady as a rock, but, by a factor 10…tougher.

I’ll leave you with this thought: there is NO way to explain – to any living soul – the feeling of nausea when one has just emptied his insides…over the course of an 8–10-hour period.

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