Stewart Rhodes, the delusional leader of the far-right Oath Keepers militia, was convicted yesterday along with one of his subordinates of seditious conspiracy as a jury found them guilty of seeking to keep the Orange Despot in power through an extensive plot that started after the ’20 election and culminated in mob Insurrection on the Capitol.

The sedition convictions marked the first time in nearly 20 trials related to the Capitol attack that a jury had decided that the violence that erupted on 1/6, was the product of an organized conspiracy.

Rhodes, 57, was also found guilty of obstructing the certification of the election during a joint session of Congress on 1/6 and of destroying evidence in the case; on those three counts, he faces a maximum of 60 years in prison.

Lock him up, lock him up…N-O-W!!!

Seditious conspiracy is the most serious charge brought so far in any of the 900 criminal cases stemming from the vast investigation of the Capitol attack, an inquiry that could still result in scores, if NOT hundreds, of additional arrests. 

One can hope!

Someone, anyone, please let me know what was the actual “oath” that this clown Rhodes was keeping??!

Just a reminder, kids…FROM YALE to J-A-I-L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

STAY AWAY…far, far away

To hell with the right whales!!!

Since when do California environmentalists dictate terms to the Maine lobster industry??!

I’m sure you’ve heard the latest: The high-end grocery giant, Whole Foods, took lobster from the Gulf of Maine off the menu at hundreds of its stores nationwide, citing a pair of sustainability organizations yanking their support for the US lobster fishing industry.

The organizations, the Marine Stewardship Council and Seafood Watch, said they were concerned about the risks fishing gear posed to the endangered North Atlantic right whales.

Simple response to this crowd: How about the sustainability/livelihood/risks to/of the hundreds of lobstering/fishing families along the coast of Maine??!

Whole Foods, you’re pathetic…lace-curtain frauds…grow up!!!

You’ve lost a customer, and I’m on a mission to drive many more A-W-A-Y…far, far away from your unsanitary front doors.

Plus, you have ants in your pies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Board of Health, infestation…start with the Receiving Dock.


How did someone who was clearly NEVER fit for the job get elected in the first place??!

And, yet that same piece of excrement has announced a third run for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Is it the obsession with celebrity, “over the top admiration” of people we think are rich, lack of critical thinking skills among the population, or ALL of the above??!

There had to be something deeply wrong to begin with, or a criminal grifter could NEVER have slithered in and taken over the minds of millions of Americans.

Trust in institutions must have been low, was [you decide], before or he would NOT have been able to do the kind of damage he did over the past five-plus years.

And now, the country is dealing with: How does a democracy protect itself against a political leader who is openly hostile!!! to democratic self-rule??! 

What we definitively know is Boy Orange schemed to overturn the ’20 election by illegal and unconstitutional means, accompanied along with a cabal of crackpots.

When those efforts failed, Donald John Trump incited a violent Insurrection at the US Capitol, causing widespread destruction, leading to multiple deaths and – for the first time in American history – interfering with the peaceful transfer of power.

Now, almost two years later, he continues to claim, without!!! any evidence, that he was cheated out of victory, and millions of Americans continue to believe him.

What we do about this dangerous and destructive person now requires a lot more than implementing laws.

It requires some serious self-reflection. The Midterms seemed to be a start on this but unfortunately a lot of these anti-democratic MAGA candidates didn’t lose by much.

There’s a long way to go to rid ourselves of Trump, his followers, and his lawmaker enablers.

Any elected official who refuses to leave office after losing an election is clearly NOT qualified to serve again because he has demonstrated that he is unable to, or has NO intention of, fulfilling his Oath of Office.

Finally, when that person overtly incites!!! a violent Insurrection by his supporters in an attempt to stay in office, his lack of qualifications for the office is compounded exponentially.


You simply can NOT make this crap up!!!

The Orange Despot continues to take insanity to new levels of comprehension.

News outlets have been/are reporting that “the former guy” had dinner with Nick Fuentes, an outspoken antisemite and racist who is one of the country’s most prominent young white supremacists, at Trump’s private shanty in Florida, this past Tuesday evening.

Guess who else ??! was at the table: Kanye West, who has also been denounced for making antisemitic statements. 

The fourth attendee at the four-person dinner, Karen Giorno – a veteran political operative who worked on Boy Orange‘s ’16 campaign as his state director in Florida.

How about it, boys and girls??!!!? 

You’ll remember, Fuentes, 24, has developed a high profile on the far right and forged ties with such Re’Trump’lican lawmakers as Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Representative Paul Gosar of Arizona, largely through his leadership of an annual white-supremacist event called the America First Political Action Conference.

Will someone, please, set aside/make available open cells, leg irons and handcuffs, NOW!!!!!!!

A Holocaust denier and unabashed racist, Fuentes openly uses hateful language on his podcast, in recent weeks calling for the military to be sent into Black neighborhoods and demanding that Jews leave the country.


Here’s the best part, in a post late yesterday, on his social media website, Truth Social, Trump said that Kanye “unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends, whom I knew nothing about.” 

As yet, we have NO confirmation of a Kyrie Irving sighting on the property.

THE JOURNEY…Thanksgiving

Normally, the start of the Holiday season is my favorite time of the year.

That said, this has/is NOT a ‘normal year!

Since roughly this time last year, when I went through five sessions of Stereotactic Radiation Therapy, I’ve walked and talked and existed in a different universe.

This week – Thanksgiving week – has been NO exception.

The joys of a wonderful meal on Thursday, thanks to my better half, of a Butterball turkey; mashed potatoes, peas; fried apples. homemade stuffing [beyond belief!!!]; Virginia rolls; and cranberry sauce literally saved the week.

Pre-meal delight: Hot cross cinnamon buns.

Post meal desert: Homemade Apple pie, with Vanilla or Pumkin ice cream.


Between the happiness of the above Thanksgiving Day meal, one was scheduled to deal with blood panels and consultations on Tuesday, infusion dosage of CHEMO on Wednesday, and my Fulphila shot [helps with the prevention of infections] yesterday.

As you drive to these appointments at the Cancer Center, your thoughts center on just yourself and that you’re the only one suffering with such aspects to life and that you’re the only individual to be suffering with cancer on the surface of Planet Earth.

ALL that evaporates once you walk through the portals of the medical facility: You are immediately confronted with the horrors and humiliations when your body goes from “friend to foe.”

In an instant, you realize it’s NOT just you!!!

Then, it’s time for the corridors of “How are you?


One of the individuals who tops my list of NOT being thankful for!!! based on his embarrassing past duties and responsibilities as our vice president is Mike Pence.

This repeated ‘bed-wetter” stood by for four years and watched the spearing/rupturing/deepening of the division of this country, perpetuating by his Orange Boss with repetitive utterances of the Big Lie!!!

Now he’s doing the slow walk in considering a run for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in ’24.

Well, over the last couple of days, the New York Times has been reporting that our Justice Department is looking to question “Pastor” Pence as a witness in connection with its criminal investigation into his boss’s efforts to stay in power [which threatened Pence’s own life at the end of a rope, by cult members] after Trump lost the ’20 election…and could NOT understand the term: peaceful transfer of power.

The Times is also reporting that Pence is open to considering the request, recognizing that the Justice Department’s criminal investigation is different from the inquiry by the House 1/6 committee, whose overtures he has flatly rejected.

Pence was present for some of the critical moments in which the Orange Despot and his toadies schemed to keep him in office and block the congressional certification of Biden’s victory.

An agreement for him to cooperate would be the latest remarkable twist in an investigation that is ALREADY fraught with legal and political consequences, involving a former president who is now a declared candidate to return to the White House – and whose potential rivals for the ’24 GOP nomination include the “Pastor” himself.

What’s NOT to be thankful for with this possible trainwreck??!

Pence has NOT been subpoenaed, and the process could take months, because Boy Orange can seek to block, or slow, his testimony by trying to invoke executive privilege.

It’s the understanding of the old Lobsterman – in this landscape of legal misconceptions and constant diatribes – that executive privilege resides in the Oval Office; former members of the executive branch leave the privilege when they leave the office.

So, stand up, Pastor Pence.

Your obsequious loyalty to your former boss was NOT at ALL returned or ever much appreciated, along with your late hour respect of the US Constitution he despised.


There are NO timeouts left…

There’s roughly a month left to get passed any serious legislation…

The Supreme Court cleared the way yesterday for a House committee to obtain Donald John Trump’s tax returns, refusing his request to block their release after a yearslong fight.

The court’s brief order, which did NOT note any dissents, was another decisive defeat for the Orange Despot delivered by a court that had moved to the right with his appointment of three justices.

The decision means the Treasury Department is likely to soon turn over six years of his tax returns to the House, which has been seeking his financial records since 2019.

Trump has utilized the late Dean Smith‘s tactic of using the slow pace of litigation to run out the clock on various oversight and investigative efforts.

Boy Orange‘s stonewalling and legal challenges have succeeded in keeping the House from obtaining his tax returns for nearly four years, but that strategy appears to have fallen just short.

The House would almost certainly have dropped the request for Trump’s tax returns in January, when Re’Trump’licans take control of the chamber.

Thus, tick, tock, tick, tock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As one of my fervent Thanksgiving wishes, the old Lobsterman hopes that this SCOTUS ruling seals the fate of “the former guy” to NEVER have any chance at being re-elected/elected for public service, ever again.