The 1/6 House Select Committee painted a lurid picture yesterday on how the Orange Despot conducted and directed a wide-ranging bid to strong-arm the Justice Department into overturning the ’20 election, the most brazen attempt by a sitting president since Watergate to manipulate !!! the nation’s law enforcement apparatus to keep himself in power.

When top Justice Department officials repeatedly !!! told Boy Orange that they had investigated and debunked his allegations !!! of widespread election fraud, Trump said they need NOT find evidence.

“Just say the election is corrupt and leave the rest to me,” he told them.

A pit of ravenous dogs would be too good for this triple-wide piece of excrement!!!

When the Justice officials refused to comply, Trump embraced a plan to remove the acting attorney general and install a loyalist, and circus clown of the week, Jeffrey Clark, to do his bidding.

During a heated showdown in the Oval Office, only the threat of a mass resignation at the Justice Department persuaded Trump to back down [casting for that scene will be priceless!].

Yesterday’s hearing clearly displayed a portrait of an embattled Justice Department that worked frantically to stave off a constitutional crisis driven by a complete and certifiable loon who refused !!! to relinquish his power, and showed how close the country came to such a breakdown.

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