My Celtics are going back to the NBA Finals!!!

The last 3:22 minutes, whew…I could barely breathe…literally.

But, they got it done, beating the Miami Heat 100-96 last night.

This new generation of Celtic stars has a chance to extend the local titles -12 championships in the new millennium, which started with 24-year-old Tom Brady upsetting the St. Louis Rams in New Orleans in February 2002.

How close did the Celts come to losing??! Really close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The Finals now begin this Thursday night from San Francisco, against the Warriors.


Everybody, well, just about everyone, dismissed the poor Miami Heat as mere cannon fodder for my Boston Celtics after the Celts dominated the Heat in Games 4 and 5 of their Eastern Conference final.

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

The Celtics needed a home win to reach their first NBA Finals in 12 years and the game was for the taking.

Except that word NEVER was passed on to the Heat.

Last night at TD Garden, the Heat were NOT going to fold; they were going to respond with their best game of the series, which is exactly what they did.

The Celtics’ play was inadequate for most of the night, and when they needed a few more big plays to seal the win, they folded !!! in the final few minutes.

The dagger ALL night in the Celts’ side was Jimmy Butler.

Battered and bruised, Butler had a night for the ages in the history of post-season play.

Butler carried the Heat to a 111-103 win with 47 points, 26 in the second half.

Throughout the second half, Butler, it seemed, made every pivotal shot and play when it was needed – and at the most critical moments.

So…here we are, one win from the NBA Finals, one loss from a crushing end to the ’21-’22 season.

Yup, you can make book that the old Lobsterman will be on ‘pucker alert’ until tomorrow night!!!


The dignity of compromise…’cuse me??!

Over the last 36-plus hours, it has, once again, been stunning to listen to folks ramble on about the Second Amendment.

Better NOT come near my guns!!!

We’ve ALL seen this movie…and how it plays out.

The slaughter, this month, across the country with the needless loss of lives, seemingly, having little to NO effect on the possibility of “open discussion.”

Threats by many Republicans against those who’d dare curtail their private arsenals.

Just think about this for a moment, how many times since this past Tuesday have you heard this comment: The only solution to shootings is more guns

Personally, for me, the clear revulsion of this week is magnified 10-fold by the NRA holding their convention in Houston, with the likes of the Orange Despot and Teddy “Cancun” Cruz as key speakers.

How can we hope to negotiate??!

Apocalyptic notions that civilization is on the brink of destruction and that armed conflict is just over the horizon


My Boston Celtics came back from a 5-point halftime deficit, ratcheting down the screws on defense and outscored the Miami Heat, 32-16, in the third quarter for a 93-80 Game 5 victory in the Eastern Conference finals.

Game 6 is tomorrow night in Boston and the Celts are one victory from making it to the NBA Finals for the 22nd time in franchise history.


NO eggs have been counted from this address yet – what purpose would it serve??!

I think ALL would agree last night’s game was sloppy [and I’m being nice in saying exactly that!], but let’s face it…this group of Celtics won’t ever be judged on style…just guts and ‘in-your-face’ defense.

Alright, I’ll leave you with this thought: If the Celtics do NOT beat the boys from Florida Friday night at home, they won’t deserve to go to the Finals.

OK, now leave it be; the old Lobsterman is on enough of a sharp edge as is!!!


Just days after turning 18 this month, the gunman who killed 19 children and two teachers at a Texas elementary school yesterday purchased two “AR platform rifles” and 375 rounds of ammunition, according to a State Police briefing, according to numerous news outlets.

One of the assault rifles was left in a truck believed to have been driven by the gunman that was found crashed near the elementary school.

The other rifle, referred to in the briefing as “a Daniel Defense,” was found in the school with the gunman, along with at least seven 30-round magazines.

Stop the f!#king madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Orane Despot cart-wheeled into Georgia vowing to marshal voters against his enemies and punish Republicans who crossed him in ’20.

Instead, wait for it…

Georgia voters punished him for meddling in their state!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump picked losers up and down the ballot, most strikingly missing the mark on a third governor’s race in three weeks.

The dismal record, particularly for chief executives, illustrates the shortcomings of Boy Orange‘s revenge tour.

Since leaving the White House, Trump has erratically deployed his political power, often making choices on a whim or with little clear path to execution.

That approach has repeatedly left him empty-handed and raised new doubts about the viselike grip he has held over the GOP.

One can only hope that destiny rides again!!!

Trump tried to wipe out a triumvirate of Republican statewide officeholders who refused to help !!! overturn the ’20 presidential results: Governor Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Attorney General Chris Carr.


The three men ALL coasted to victory – handing Trump a stinging rebuke in a state that has become one of the nation’s most important presidential battlegrounds.


Once again…

America has been shaken by mass shootings; yet NOTHING ever happens in addressing this horror – ZERO!!!

The issue is still tragically relevant, and will remain so until America tightens its gun safety policies, with ALL sides bonding !!! together, as a single voice, in taking it on.

On May 14th, a gunman killed 10 people in a supermarket in Buffalo.

Yesterday, at least 19 children and two adults were killed in Uvalde, Texas.

It was the deadliest shooting at an elementary school since the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary; a decade of ‘lacked commitment’ to a crucial issue within this country.

Permissive gun laws and easy access to firearms make the US a prime target for firearms-based terrorist attacks like the one in Buffalo.

They subject the population to the constant threat !!! of mass shootings like the one in Uvalde

In Buffalo, the shooter was armed with a semiautomatic assault rifle. Officials have yet to say if the Texas shooter used a semiautomatic weapon or weapons; news media have reported that he bought two of them for his recent 18th birthday.

Simply stated: The dangers of “unfettered access to firearms.” 


As was expected, earlier today, local time, our 46th president indicated that he would use military force ! to defend Taiwan if it were ever attacked by China, repeating even more unequivocally framed statements that his staff have tried to walk back in the past.

Spill on aisle 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At a news conference with Prime Minister Fishida of Japan during a visit to Tokyo, Biden suggested that he would be willing to go further !!! on behalf of Taiwan than he has in helping Ukraine, where he has provided tens of billions of dollars in arms as well as intelligence assistance to help defeat Russian invaders but refused to send American troops.

Where the hell is this $$$ coming from??!

We ran out of green ink and paper years ago.

Yes, I understand, even with my limited understanding of technology, Taiwan is home to the world’s largest manufacturer of chips, the things that run ALL of our devices…and, in the case of too many of us – our daily existence.

Also, there are many of us today who’ve come to the understanding that China‘s desire to gain control of Taiwan is much less ! about its own nationalism and much more about its wish to be the world’s leader in ALL the modern technologies of the 21st century.

Keep your eyes on this space…

ETHICS and TREASON=daily double

There is a huge stench on the Court!!!

The headlines jump out at one:

  • Supreme Court Justice’s Wife Caught Breaking Law to Overturn Election in Arizona
  • Treason in plain sight at the Highest Levels
  • Conspiracy to interfere with the legal transition of an elected President, and destabilize our Democracy spreading lies
  • Inciting violence on 1/6 that results in terrorism, deaths and damage to the Capitol.

Amongst the widening catalogue of emails obtained by the Washington Post, “Ginni” Thomas, the conservative activist and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, pressed Arizona lawmakers after the ’20 election to set aside Joey’s popular-vote victory and choose “a clean slate of Electors.”

Emails, sent by “Ginni” to a pair of lawmakers on November 9, 2020, argued that legislators needed to intervene because the vote had been marred by fraud…unspecified.

Though she did NOT mention either candidate by name, the context was clear.

Thomas urged the lawmakers to “stand strong in the face of political and media pressure.” She told the lawmakers that the responsibility to choose electors was “yours and yours alone” and said they had “power to fight back against fraud.”

The messages show that “Ginni”, a staunch supporter of the Orange Despot, was more deeply involved in the effort to overturn Biden’s win than has been previously reported.

In sending these emails, “Ginni” played a role in the extraordinary scheme to keep Trump in office by substituting the will of legislatures for the will of voters.

QAnon‘s version of the new DAUGHTER of the AMERICAN REPUBLC is just kindling wood!!!