The major news outlets, moments ago, are reporting Biden will nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the first Black woman nominated to be a justice on the nation’s highest court.

The court has seen only two other Black justices and only four women in its 232-year history.

Jackson, 51, served as a district judge and an appeals court judge in the District of Columbia, one of the country’s busiest jurisdictions, with oversight of cases involving Washington, DC government affairs, including government overreach. She was appointed as a district judge in 2013, and to the appeals court in June 2021.

Jackson would be the first justice with a background in criminal defense to join the court in more than a half century. The last justice to have such a background was Justice Thurgood Marshall, who was named to the bench in 1967; he left the court in 1991.

She joined the DC Appeals court last June after eight years as a federal trial judge in the nation’s capital, where she wrote more than 550 opinions, including one from 2019 in which she ruled former White House counsel Don McGahn did NOT have absolute immunity from having to testify in a congressional investigation of the Orange Despot.

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