It’s being described as compensation for helping the league’s owners clinch a new 10-year labor deal with the players and secure media contracts worth more than a reported $100 billion over the next decade.

What am I talking about?

Come on down, Roger…

National Football League (NFL) Commissioner Roger Goodell‘s salary, for the past two years, was $128 million.

So-o-o, have another Bud Light before you grab the remote, folks.

The nine-figure combination of salary, bonuses and other benefits makes Goodell take in rarefied air…if you understand my drift…?

This from an executive who still has NOT come to grips with:

  • Bigotry & Inequality;
  • Domestic Violence;
  • Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE);
  • Improper Behavior w/The Gun;
  • Embarrassing Behavior/Attitudes by Club Management and/or its Personnel.

ALL fall under textbook case studies of a business debacle, without any serious consequences

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