Senate Minority Leader McConnell (R-KY) is saying Re’Trump’licans will vote for a funding bill without a suspension of the debt ceiling.

As midnight approaches, olde Mitch appears to still be able to hear, at least, the chapel bells in the distance.

Congress may snuff out one possible crisis today, but, But, BUT…it has another looming.

Our elected darlings still need to raise or suspend the debt ceiling before October 18th to prevent a default on US debt that would result in job losses, economic damage to an ALREADY fragile Main Street business environment, and a drop in the markets.

A short-term appropriations bill that would keep the government running through December 3rd

I’m NOT about to speak for any of you…but I’m really sick of experiencing the same movie, time-after-time.

NO one likes to wear their respective ‘big boy/girl’ undies!!!

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