PER USUAL…Slight of Hand

The old Lobsterman loves these moments.

In the next 36 hours, the late Harry Houdini would probably be made to blush.

The number of elected politicians who will be engaging in ‘slight-of-hand’ shenanigans will require ALL of us to have a scorecard, in an attempt to keep up with each and every one of their backroom antics.

It’s now being reported that Democrats in Congress have moved to avert the on-rushing fiscal crisis, supposedly to schedule a House vote to raise the Debt Ceiling and prepare a separate spending bill to head off a government shutdown looming at midnight tomorrow.

The Senate could vote as early as today on the spending bill, which is needed to prevent a lapse in government funding when the fiscal year ends tomorrow, and also includes emergency disaster aid.

Re’Trump’licans were expected to support it, after Dems removed a debt-limit increase that the GOP had refused to back.

But…who really knows??!

ALL we know is there appears to be continuous laughter from inside McConnell’s offices – NOT that that’s unusual…you follow?

What do you think Mitch will dress up as this Halloween??!

And, how about the total inability of Chuckie Schumer with the English language, over the last week and a half????!

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