Dimwitted Phony Baloney

Josh, please do our country a favor and get out of government!!!

Your brand of populism is nauseating…

Lock yourself in a room and read Atlas Shrugged for the rest of your life.

You have z-e-r-o to offer just playing on the emotions and the fears of the Deplorables…now including Proud Girls [timing is everything, kids].

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO).

Hawley announced yesterday that he will object next week !!! when Congress convenes to certify the electoral college vote before President-elect Joey Biden’s victory is cemented – a move that will force a contentious floor debate that top Senate Re’Trump’licans had hoped to avoid…especially “Moscow Mitch.”

Understand, by law, if any member of the House, joined by a senator, objects to the electoral college slates, BOTH chambers must debate and then vote on the contest.


The challenge will inevitably fail because Dems hold a majority in the House – plus a number of Senate Re’Trump’licans have ALREADY recognized Biden’s win and are unlikely to sustain the challenge.

Hey, who’s up for some chaos to get the new year off on the right foot??!

Senate Majority Leader McConnell (R-KY) and other leading Re’Trump’licans had discouraged ! their members from challenging the process, conceding the move would ultimately fail but could drag out the process through lengthy debate and, ultimately, force their members to take an ‘awkward’ vote.

Who amongst us doesn’t love “awkward”??!

Right, Pastor Mike??!

Boy Orange has been clear about what he wants from his kennel of barking dogs and has repeatedly tweeted that he hopes his toadies will come to Washington to protest during the ceremony. “JANUARY SIXTH, SEE YOU IN DC!” he tweeted again yesterday.

Rumors are circulating he plans to traverse the metro streets of DC in a golf cart.

An authoritarian paradise…

A little more fun before the courts of NYC!!!

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