Dimwitted Phony Baloney

Josh, please do our country a favor and get out of government!!!

Your brand of populism is nauseating…

Lock yourself in a room and read Atlas Shrugged for the rest of your life.

You have z-e-r-o to offer just playing on the emotions and the fears of the Deplorables…now including Proud Girls [timing is everything, kids].

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO).

Hawley announced yesterday that he will object next week !!! when Congress convenes to certify the electoral college vote before President-elect Joey Biden’s victory is cemented – a move that will force a contentious floor debate that top Senate Re’Trump’licans had hoped to avoid…especially “Moscow Mitch.”

Understand, by law, if any member of the House, joined by a senator, objects to the electoral college slates, BOTH chambers must debate and then vote on the contest.


The challenge will inevitably fail because Dems hold a majority in the House – plus a number of Senate Re’Trump’licans have ALREADY recognized Biden’s win and are unlikely to sustain the challenge.

Hey, who’s up for some chaos to get the new year off on the right foot??!

Senate Majority Leader McConnell (R-KY) and other leading Re’Trump’licans had discouraged ! their members from challenging the process, conceding the move would ultimately fail but could drag out the process through lengthy debate and, ultimately, force their members to take an ‘awkward’ vote.

Who amongst us doesn’t love “awkward”??!

Right, Pastor Mike??!

Boy Orange has been clear about what he wants from his kennel of barking dogs and has repeatedly tweeted that he hopes his toadies will come to Washington to protest during the ceremony. “JANUARY SIXTH, SEE YOU IN DC!” he tweeted again yesterday.

Rumors are circulating he plans to traverse the metro streets of DC in a golf cart.

An authoritarian paradise…

A little more fun before the courts of NYC!!!


The script is much the same.

With the same cast.

And, the constant rain of administration rubbish which comes from each of them NEVER lets up!



Yet, here we are, nearly a year into the pandemic, making precisely the same mistake with the vaccines as we did on Day One, back at the end of January.

That is to say, despite the horrible continuing brutality of this pandemic and the incredible efforts and good intentions of our health-care workers, we, as a country, are, practically speaking, at a social level, NOT even bothering to try to issue proper administrative guidelines for the controlled distribution; storages, and the implementation of shots ‘in the arms’ of Americans.

It’s much easier to blame the individual states, as Golfer #1 likes to tweet multiple times/daily.

This cabal of clowns need NOT feel they have to refresh our memories about their total ineptness…

In September, Donald Duck promised 100 million vaccinations by the end of the year.

Aunts and uncles, Happy New Year is tomorrow.

As I bang the keyboard this am, we’ve put some 2,550 million shots in armsjust.

As a whole, the country has administered barely 10% of even the first doses allotted – and 20 million [identical] doses are being reserved for a second shot.

In addition to the daily parade of elected clowns – federal and state – mumbling incomprehensive excuses about the ‘what, whys and nots’ – the single critical issue that NO one seems to have a handle on is REFRIGERATION.

Though refrigeration capacity varies from location to location, vaccines are only cleared for 30 days of storage in the most common units [including those in which they have been shipped].

On the current pace, and, depending on local bureaucracy and freezing storage capacity, perhaps many million doses will expire.


Donnie, let the big boys play through…

h/t: CDC; The Covid Tracking Project; National Institute of Health, and AMA.


“@BrianKempGA should resign from office,” Boy Orange said in a tweet. “He is an obstructionist who refuses to admit that we won Georgia, BIG!”

Between changing his golf gloves, the Mar-a-Lago Menace, this morning, called for Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to resign, escalating his criticism of a fellow Re’Trump’lican who has refused to intervene in the state’s presidential election or embrace Trump’s baseless claims of widespread fraud.

Donnie just does NOT know how to play side B [reference only recognizable to those of us in our late ’70s and older].

The prospects of a long jail sentence might bring about this type of behavior.

The Weave will ALWAYS be able to pitch QAnon merchandise with Mickey Flynn!!!!!!!!!!


The Coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca was authorized earlier today, local time, for emergency use in the UK., marking another crucial step in the global battle against the pandemic.

The shot is expected to be rolled out next week and will be added to a COVID-19 immunization program started by Britain in December with the Pfizer and Moderna-BioNTech vaccines.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is cheaper than others and does NOT need to be kept at ultra-low temperatures required by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.


Our federal agencies have been dismantled.

Experienced loyal public servants were downsized, discarded and/or chased out.

Chaos + z-e-r-o leadership + inexperience= FIASCO.

Once again, as we’re ALL watching, there’s literally NO one in this administration to do the work that is necessary to plan and distribute the vaccine, PPEs or anything else.

The states have been casted to the pandemic wolves!!! while our dynamic duo [Trump and Pence] are playing golf, and skiing, respectively.

Yesterday, President-elect Joey Biden’s criticism of the Federal Government’s vaccine distribution effort hit its target dead-center!!!

Ponder repeated delays, one after another, with any number of callous excuses, reflects a direct result of the Trump Administration’s disinterest and Mitch McConnell’s obstructionism; literally since the second week of March – nine-plus months ago.

Trump and McConnell’s bumbling “Fire, Aim, Ready” negligence would be darkly comic, if it weren’t so deadly!!!

Why are we NOT using our military ??! to assist in this…

We have this huge organization with training in logistics and supply with trucks and cargo planes and manpower, with discipline and the ability to work under pressure.

Shouldn’t this be something that they could be used for??!

Biden promised to step up the pace when he takes office, while delivering a sober warning about the toll of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The incoming administration has NO clear idea exactly what they are about to inherit…the transition of power working with some of the Trump toadies has been an embarrassment on a massive scale…just in the little we know from the media.

Biden warned that if the current pace of administering vaccines under Trump continued, “it’s going to take years, not months,” to vaccinate the country.

As of this past Monday morning, 11.4 million doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines had been sent out across the country, but just 2.1 million people in the US had received their first dose, according to CDC, which, understandingly, most likely reflects a reporting lag of several days.

h/t: CDC and The COVID Tracking Project.


Our National Debt now has a life of its own.

Sit down for this factoid…

It has increased by almost 36% since Trump took office.

Amongst the tons of rubbish that spewed out of Donald John Trump‘s odorous mouth during the ’16 campaign; you ALL remember: how he promised he would eliminate !!! the nation’s debt in eight years!

And, the Deplorables gobbled it like a bag of Reese’s Cups!

This from the man who filed for bankruptcy relief six f!@king times, and, that’s just what we know of…since his taxes are under the longest-running audit in humankind.

When the Orange Whale took office in January 2017, the National Debt stood at $19.9 trillion.

In October 2020, the National Debt reached a new high of $27 trillion.

And, of course, the total amount that Trump will have contributed, under his watch, to the National Debt will undoubtedly be higher once the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is realized.

How about another tax cut, Donnie, before you exit stage left??!

But, listen, at least he paid $750 in taxes for a single year…awaiting official confirmation…still.

h/t: usa/gov/budget.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. ~ Plato

NOTHING ever changes, does it??!

They were for it before they were against it. Or, is it the other way around?

Moments ago, two more Senate Re’Trump’licans expressed support for delivering $2,000 stimulus checks to most Americans, adding to the pressure on Majority Leader “Moscow Mitch” McConnell to hold a vote on a proposal that most other members of his party had opposed before Boy Orange intervened.

These latest calls came from Georgia’s two embattled Re’Trump’lican senators – Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler – as they find themselves in the midst of a tough re-election battle that will decide the fate of the chamber next week.

BOTH said they supported !!! the $2,000 checks that Trump has sought to advance in recent days.

They joined Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), who expressed support for the idea yesterday, and Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), who is one of the chief proponents of the idea.

The fate of a proposal now rests with McConnell.

He must navigate a path that addresses the president’s concerns without exposing his party to political attacks one week before a pair of Georgia special elections that will determine ! the Senate majority.

Retaining power in the Senate so they can obstruct the newly elected president…well, it just warms one’s heart while emptying another’s wallet.


Joy to the World…

So while millions of Americans worried about how they will feed their families or make rent, or finding an available ICU bed, or their unemployment benefits running out, Mike “The Pastor” Pence was skiing.

Donnie, as we know, meanwhile, was golfing.

Our elected heads of our government.

Has anyone EVER explained “optics” to these two buffoons??!

Next Wednesday, January the 6th, will be a day of lights, cameras and action for The Pastor.

Pence will preside over Congress as it counts the Electoral College’s votes.

As the ‘presiding officer,’ this means Pence is to preserve order and decorum, open the ballot envelopes, provide those results to a group of tellers, call for any objection by members of Congress, announce the results of any votes on objections, and ultimately announce the result of the vote.

At the moment, there are NO ongoing legal challenges [serious and legitimate ones] in the states of any merit whatsoever.

ALL challenges have lost, spectacularly and often, in the courts.

The states and the electors have spoken their will. NEITHER Pence nor the loyal toadies of Donald John Trump have a valid basis to contest anything.

That said, these are amazing, and unbelievable, times; when we even have to question whether the VP will follow the law. This is what “Moscow” Mitch McConnell and the Gross Orange Party have given us.

Heightening the discord, we’ve also got the the Georgia Senatorial runoff elections are on January 5th.

Political courage, when a politician does something that’s right in the face of constituent/popular opposition, is a fleeting, almost extinct, quality these days.

And, I, personally, can’t remember Pence ever – ever – ever displaying a modicum of political courage!!!

Re’Trump’licans have lost their moral compass and courage to do the right thing, during the fiasco of the last four years.

NO one, absolutely NO one, has matched this robotic sycophant, called Pence, for NOT being held accountable for “leading” the shady Trump transition team through the complete ineptitude in administrating/controlling the deadly White House COVID-19 response.

Michael Richard Pence has been as spooky and dangerous to our Democracy as was Richard Bruce Cheney.


The Tennessee RV had been rigged with explosives and a speaker set to play a warning and a song: “Downtown” by Petula Clark – a hit from 1964 – celebrating the bright lights and bustle of a vibrant city.

It will be weeks before the public knows more about this strange event. 

So, let’s hold our fire, and keep our powder dry, while FBI, ATF and DHS do their jobs.

Law enforcement officials, yesterday, announced that an individual named Anthony Warner, 63, was responsible for the Christmas morning explosion that rocked downtown Nashville, and that he was killed in the blast.

Warner had a solitary job as an information technology specialist, stopping in to various offices to fix computers.

NOT married.

His neighbors barely knew him.

Warner told his ex-girlfriend that he had cancer and gave her his car; records show that he signed away his home on the day before Thanksgiving.

It would appear that Warner was conflicted over Hebrews 13:5.

Investigators, at the moment, said they believe that he acted alone; he was identified through remains found scattered among the wreckage.

I’d be interested in knowing the trail leading to, and the purchasing of the used explosives…way too accessible to everyone and anyone.


The enactment came less than 48 hours before the government would have shut down and just days before an eviction moratorium and other critical pandemic relief provisions were set to expire.

Trump, yesterday, abruptly signed a measure providing $900 billion in pandemic aid and funding the government through September, ending last-minute turmoil he, himself, had created over legislation that will offer an economic lifeline to millions of Americans and avert a government shutdown.

Who knows who finally got through to Trump??!

What we do know is this is an individual who has spent the last 48 days involved in a pathetic coup attempt to overturn the ’20 election results; tweeting his grievances and lies; diverting attention away from the greatest single cyberattack on this country; or simply playing golf while millions of Americans suffered from the pandemic fallout or died.

James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding and Andrew Johnson, move aside…

Everlasting shame and utter contempt on the Gross Orange Party for protecting/enabling this unfit and incompetent cretin!!!