2,000 + DEATHS

Yesterday, the US surpassed 2,000 Coronavirus deaths for the first day since May 7th, according to the COVID Tracking Project.

The 2,028 deaths represented the highest casualty count since the single-day high on May 7th, when 2,770 Americans died from the virus.

Most respected experts and corresponding healthcare facilities [Scottie Atlas, you did NOT make the cut!], across the country, say holidays, like weekends, cause testing [where available] and contact tracing [when available!!!] to go down, then a week or so later, explode again.

So, possibly, the initial data we see next week may NOT reflect the actual increases in cases, testing, hospitalizations, and deaths, as well as the potentially large backlog that will be created from Thanksgiving

I’ll leave you with this tidbit, the old Lobsterman and his wife still plan on getting our Christmas tree this Friday from our parish…trust me, that adventure will have a ton of future revelations to tell you about over this coming weekend.

The wife, I’m sure, has ALREADY alerted the parish, the metroplex and our neighborhood.

Maybe that’s why the bishop isn’t taking any of my calls!!?!


Pardon me boy, is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?
(Yes Yes) Track 29!
Boy you can give me a shine
(Can you afford to board, the Chattanooga Choo Choo?)

Apologies to the Andrew Sisters and Glenn Miller.

Donald John Trump has plans to pardon his former national security adviser Michael “Traitor” Flynn and that it is one of a string of pardons he envisions issuing before vacating 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, reports the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and New York Times.

Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general, twice pleaded guilty to lying !!! to the FBI about his conversations with a Russian diplomat during the presidential transition in late 2016 and early 2017

Nyet, nyet, Mikey!!!

The dam is breaking, aunts and uncles…

Presidents have traditionally consulted the Justice Department [where has Billy been lately??!] on pardons and commutations, but they do NOT need approval from the department in order to issue them.

NOT that that would be worth a damn, Trump consults only a party one: himself.


The self-designated Homecoming Queen, Emily Murphy, has been given the green light.

Murphy, the administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA), can finally begin !!! a formal transition process after Michigan certified Joey Biden as its winner, a strong sign, one hopes, that the 45th president’s last-ditch bid to overturn the results of the ’20 election was coming to an end.

Trump, in a tweet, said that he had told his officials to begin “initial protocols” involving the handoff to Biden “in the best interest of our country.”

See, Donnie, it’s NOT that difficult…

Murphy’s designation of Biden as the apparent victor provides the incoming administration with federal funds and resources and clears the way for the president-elect’s advisers to coordinate with Trump administration officials.

To say it’s been a very stormy and long ride since January 20, 2017, is an understatement of massive proportions, with mind-bending consequences on the horizon.


Bring out your Argyll socks and tins of Coleman’s mustard, Johnny’s back.

An enlarged pretentious fraud! with the jaw of jaws.

Joey Biden‘s choice for Climate Czar: John Forbes Kerry.

We ALL can look forward to being lectured by a guy who travels the globe on private jets and luxury yachts.

The political version of Leonardo DiCaprio.

I threw away my Argylls at the age of seven; but I love Coleman’s on my cheeseburgers.


Earlier today, local time, the Coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University and the British-Swedish pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca is up to 90% effective when administered at half dose and then a full dose a month later.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine appears likely to be cheaper ??! than those made by Pfizer and Moderna, and the British vaccine does NOT need to be stored at subzero temperatures, but can be kept in ordinary refrigerators in pharmacies and doctor’s offices.

Also, NO participants who received the vaccine developed severe cases or required hospitalization, AstraZeneca said.

This vaccine can be stored and transported at normal refrigerated conditions for up to six months.

AstraZeneca said it would present the results to Britain’s health care products regulators immediately.

Any questions?


Now with 3 brands available, how does one choose the one he/she wants?

Will insurance give you a choice or force you to take what they offer?

Will the US government place any restrictions on people who get the Oxford vaccine

Is one suppose to get the vaccine if you have ALREADY been infected with the virus?

Is this the same mRNA type of vaccine as offered by Pfizer and Moderna?

Cost for the masses?


It’s starting to gin up…hopefully.

NO one has waited longer, and with more anticipation, than the old Lobsterman.

Republicans – yes, very limited in any true displays of courage – said over the weekend that the Orange Whale‘s legal arguments had run their course and called on this flabby piece of crap to allow the presidential transition process to begin.

Chris Christie, a Trump long-time snuffy, called the conduct of Trump’s legal team a “national embarrassment.”

Senator Pat Toomey said Trump had “exhausted all plausible legal options” and urged him to concede. Senator Kevin Cramer, with visible trepidation, said it’s time to begin the transition.

In an interview on ABC News’s “This Week,” Christie said the 45th president should give up his legal strategy. “Elections have consequences, and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that didn’t happen,” he said.

Listen, as a life-long card-carrying republican, until this past election, I remain hourly consumed by the range of despicable, deplorable sycophants in the GOP that continue to enable this tangerine-colored putz!

Come on, boys and girls, let’s get ready to really rumble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

A thought just raced across my mind, has anyone on the Biden transition team been assigned to contact ServPro for the scheduling of a daily fumigation of the White House and Air Force One, effective January 20th, 12:01 pm??!

I would think for the first two weeks, at the very least.