Multiple threats of revenge…

As Claudius said in Hamlet, “O, this is the poison of deep grief…”

Earlier today, local time, in a daytime ambush on a rural road outside Tehran, one of Iran‘s most prominent and well-guarded nuclear scientists was killed.

Iranian media is calling it a roadside ambush as he and his bodyguards traveled outside Tehran.

For two decades, the scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was the driving force behind what American and Israeli officials describe as Iran’s secretive nuclear weapons program

His role in Iran’s current programs – reactors and uranium enrichment – was less direct and intel analysts said the killing would likely have a limited impact ??! on Tehran’s nuclear capabilities.

Israel, with high certainty, will become the focus of this attack on the scientist.

It’s unclear, at the moment, how much the US may have known about the operation in advance, but the two nations are the closest of allies and have long shared intelligence regarding Iran, which Israel considers its most potent threat.

That said, Fakhrizadeh’s assassination – only 10 months after the US killed General Qassim Suleimani in a drone attack in Iraq – could greatly complicate Biden’s plans to reactivate the 2015 nuclear agreement between Tehran and six other nations, which curtailed Iran’s nuclear activities.

These twin assassinations may have poisoned the well, elevating the risks of lethal retaliation.

TOPPING 90,000

The US recorded 90,481 people currently hospitalized with COVID-19 yesterday, marking the 17th consecutive day of record hospitalizations and the first time the daily count topped 90,000.

It is unlikely that Thanksgiving infections will be clearly visible in official case data until at least the second week of December.

You did a hellva job, Pastor Pence.

h/t: The COVID Tracking Project


We won’t really know, for awhile…


This past Wednesday, Justice Amy Coney Barrett dealt the chief justice, John Roberts, a judicial body blow.

She cast the decisive vote in a 5-4 ruling that rejected restrictions on religious services in New York imposed by Governor Andrew Cuomo to combat the Coronavirus, shoving the chief justice into dissent with the court’s three remaining liberals.

It was one of six opinions the court issued on Wednesday, spanning 33 pages and opening a window, possibly, on a court in turmoil.

The New York decision said that Cuomo’s strict virus limits – capping attendance at religious services at 10 people in “red zones” where risk was highest, and at 25 in slightly less dangerous “orange zones”violated the First Amendment’s protection of the free exercise of religion.

Interpretation: With Barrett’s arrival to the Court late last month, putting a staunch conservative in the seat formerly held by the liberal mainstay, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, means it was/is only a matter of time before the chief justice’s leadership would be/is/will be tested.

We’re witnessing the early vipers of the diminishing influence of RBG.

Almost certainly a taste of things to come.

As you ALL know, the old Lobsterman loves the ‘smell of napalm’ in the morning.



The 45th president has repeatedly trafficked in baseless allegations of a fraudulent and corrupt electoral process…almost hour-by-hour since November 3rd.

The Orange Whale, for those with just a drop of cognitive ability, has been/is an international embarrassment.

His petulant behavior has been on full display, really since the evening of Friday, November 6th, upending the sacred transition of power and leaving the world’s foremost democracy – struggling with a deadly pandemic and a collapsed economy – with a leader who refuses to concede despite the basic math.

Yet, Donald John Trump continues to press foolhardy lawsuits and tweet of fraud and defiant resolve…

“Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good fight.”

“This was a LANDSLIDE!”

And, yesterday, for Thanksgiving: “Just saw the vote tabulations. There is NO WAY Biden got 80,000,000 votes!!! This was a 100% RIGGED ELECTION.”

Just a small thought/question…isn’t it time to call in the hostage negotiators??!

In fact, there may cause for multiple negotiators.

A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll indicated about half the Republicans questioned believed that Trump had “rightfully won” re-election, and 68% expressed concern that the election was “rigged.”

Trump, yesterday, also said he planned to campaign in Georgia for two Republicans in Senate runoffs set for January.

Such a trip, or trips, I’m sure pleases ALL camp followers, but remember, this is the state where Donnie railed against Georgia officials, who he believes have NOT intervened enough !!! as the state has counted ballots and certified results for Joey Biden.

Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett need to make plans to attend church, whenever possible, and pray they are NOT asked to overturn this election…for whatever insane petition.

At least, they better pray!


Much can happen in a year.

I could write volumes…

But, this year has its own characteristics, doesn’t it??!

Family gatherings or NOT?

Fly or Drive??!

7, 10 or 14 day Quarantines?

Decline or accept invitations??!

Spill gravy and cranberry sauce over my Mask or NOT?

Look, come on, get in the f!#king spirit…

There’s some football still; some hoops, etc.

And, the old Lobsterman was NOT about to let you down without some recommendations for a few movies to watch:






According to the Washington Post, Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s effort to speed up treatments and Coronavirus vaccines, announced individual state officials were informed last Friday night of their respective allocation, which is based on their overall population.

The federal government plans to send 6.4 million doses of pharma giant Pfizer’s vaccine to communities across the US within 24 hours of regulatory clearance, with the expectation that shots will be administered quickly to front-line health-care workers, the top priority group.

The amount would cover only a portion of the nation’s 20 million health-care workers, let alone a US population of over 330 million.

With increased prospects that regulators will authorize the Pfizer vaccine [where are appropriate storage units and transportation carriers to house and move this specific vaccine, at their required temperature level? – NOwhere that I’m aware of] on an emergency basis as early as mid-December, and that the first shots could be administered before the end of the year, Operation Warp Speed said that “a steady drumbeat” of additional doses will be delivered as manufacturing capacity ramps up in each successive week. 

US government officials are on track to have 40 million doses of vaccines from Pfizer and a second company, biotech firm Moderna, by the end of the year, enough to vaccinate 20 million people.

Remember, each vaccine requires two doses.

We’re looking at the end of April before the general public can begin to get vaccinated; but these signs are good.

Quick question: Where’s the funding to state and local governments to assist with distribution??!

A cautionary warning: The first vaccine being made available at the Trump International Hotel, in DC; just call Room Service…almost like charges from the service bar.