Biotechnology company Moderna, one of the leaders in the race for a Coronavirus vaccine, just announced it would file today for regulatory clearance – a critical milestone that brings the US a step closer to having two Coronavirus vaccines before the end of the year…hopefully.

Moderna’s vaccine was 94% effective at preventing illness in a 30,000-person clinical trial, the company said – a performance that exceeds expectations and is on par with the best pediatric vaccines.

ALL 30 cases of severe COVID-19 were in a group that received a placebo.

Talk about ‘heroes’…thank someone from the medical profession, with heartfelt warmth, during this Christmas season!

A joy during Advent for ALL…


“My mind will not change in six months,” Trump told FOX sycophant, Maria Bartiromo by telephone on “Sunday Morning Futures.” “There was tremendous cheating here.”

In his first television interview since the ’20 election, Donald John Trump suggested yesterday that he will NEVER accept ! his loss to Joey “Dog-Catcher” Biden, and rambled on about baseless rubbish of election fraud.

Biden’s victory was further solidified yesterday as the Wisconsin recount confirmed that the Orange Whale lost in that key state by more than 20,000 votes.

Donnie, you’re a loser of epic proportions

Trump said he is “going to use 125% of my energy” to continue to contest the results through the courts and signaled that he would be open to having a special counsel investigate the election. 

Jim Comey may be available…

“Joe Biden did not get 80 million votes,” Trump declared, providing z-e-r-o evidence for his assertion.

He claimed that some foreign leaders have been calling and telling him that this was the most “messed-up” election they have ever seen, although he did NOT name any of the leaders.

By the way, has the White House released the details of any such calls??!

Most of our remaining Allies have congratulated Biden on his win. 

As one might expect, Bartiromo NEVER disputed/questioned any of Trump’s false crap.

Trump went so far as to hint that the nation’s law enforcement agencies were biased against his fading efforts to remain in office.

REALITY is a galaxy far, far, far, far, far away for people sprayed with an orange tint.


It was the stuff of satire.

At a time when NOTHING about the Coronavirus warrants laughter, the National Football League (NFL) has become a joke factory.

For the eighth straight day, the Baltimore Ravens reported a positive test, further jeopardizing a twice-delayed game against the undefeated Pittsburgh Steelers

In the Bay Area, the San Francisco 49ers were rendered temporarily ‘homeless’ – if they want to keep playing football, because of local restrictions.

And in Denver, the Broncos played – if that’s what you call itwithout a true quarterback.

ALL is neither well nor under control in the NFL…

It’s NO longer understandable to get lost in tradition [this applies as well to dozens of college football programs at the moment] and consider the NFL’s difficulty containing the virus to be anything, other than what is, the stage for inevitable follies

The Coronavirus is in charge, and it is raging once again. 

Some teams have been negligent and sloppy about health protocols, to the point that the league has had to implement an IR/Virus list for players; removing of draft picks; and fines.

Hub cities and ‘bubbles’ must be !!! under consideration, especially if there’s any thought of playoffs.

The idea that they could conduct a full season the way they have planned for football was ALWAYS a pipe dream in my mind.

The NBA and NHL could pull it off because each team has 15-20 players and a handful of coaches and staff and played in bubbles throughout, and into the playoffs.

The NFL and college football teams have 60-85-plus players and dozens of coaches and staff in confined situations for the most part.

And, this current circus, sadly, is under the control of greedy, ignorant billionaires as the ringmasters!!!


Well, we’re off and running…

Oops, sorry!

Our 46th president-elect will be in a boot, for awhile.

Joey Biden has done it…

Gone to the dogs ALREADY.

Although initial X-rays showed NO obvious fracture, a follow-up CT scan confirmed hairline fractures of Biden’s lateral and intermediate cuneiform bones, which are in the midfoot.

Joey twisted his ankle playing with one of his dogs over the holiday weekend.

Allegedly, when told about Joey’s mishap, the Orange Whale remarked, “What a loser, I’ve kicked tons of dogs and I never broke my foot.”


Without underlying evidence or logic

Legal action in bad faith… 

Served to undermine the very foundation of our democracy

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissed with prejudice a Republican lawsuit seeking to invalidate more than 2.5 million votes cast by mail in the ’20 election, the latest in a string of legal defeats for the GOP as Donald John Trump fails to undo !!! his losses in key battleground states.

Someone call Mayflower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Justices on the state high court ruled unanimously late last night that Republican petitioners waited too long to file their suit challenging Act 77, the 2019 law that established universal mail voting in Pennsylvania.

Trump and his snakes had asked the court to invalidate ALL votes cast by mail in the most recent election or direct the majority-Republican legislature to choose a slate of presidential electors.

The ruling with prejudice means that the plaintiffs are barred from bringing another action on the same claim.

If it wasn’t for that worm-infested Hugo Chavez

h/t: The National Constitution Center.


“A few weeks before the new US administration takes office, it is important to preserve the scope for talks with Iran so that the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program can be resolved through negotiations,” a spokesperson for Germany’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “We therefore urge all parties to refrain from any steps that could lead to a further escalation of the situation.”

Iran’s leaders are threatening just about everyone, at the moment.

Especially Israel, and America.

The comments/threats followed the assassination on Friday of key nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, outside the Iranian capital, Tehran.

The chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, described Fakhrizadeh’s killing as “a bitter and heavy blow to the country’s defense system” and said there would be “severe revenge.”

If the Iranians retaliate, giving Donald John Trump a pretext to launch a return strike before he leaves office on January 20th, Joey Biden will be inheriting bigger problems than just the wreckage of a five-year-old diplomatic document.

This option is scary, or should be to any sane human!

Trump’s departing foreign policy team, for the most part, has been trying to lock in the radical reversal of Iran policy that has taken place over the past four years.

Of that, there can be little doubt.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, said yesterday that Iranian officials must commit themselves to “pursuing this crime and punishing its perpetrators and those who commanded it.”

In response, Israel put its embassies around the world on high alert.

The heightened state of alert was said to be over concern that Iran – known to have terrorist infrastructure in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America – would try to hit an Israeli target to avenge the killing.

NO one, at the moment, has claimed responsibility for Fakhrizadeh’s assassination, and Iran has NO time constraint in its response, so an Iranian move could come either before or after Biden enters the White House.


Christmas, this year, will NOT be a joyous time for everyone.


God wants us to find some happiness in the season and the celebration of “WHY.”

God’s joy in ALL things and circumstances.

If you know of someone struggling with sadness, anxiety, or loneliness this year, and we ALL do, get engaged somehow and in some way…

Clean out your closet(s), and donate clothing to a disabled veterans’ center.

Donate food, and your service, to a local food pantry.

Purchase a Gift Card [either for a restaurant or a retail shop] for a friend in need.

Offer to pick up, or run errands, for elderly friends.

Bring a Christmas plant [poinsettias], or a table-top tree to a personal friend who’s afraid of leaving their home.

Allow me to give you an example…

We picked up our tree yesterday morning, usually it is, even in the best of circumstances, a Spielberg production

NOT so yesterday…done in 37 seconds.

Saw what we wanted…transaction completed.

As my wife and I were leaving the parking lot, she noticed a pile of discarded ferns, branches, twigs to be carded off at the end of the night.

Asking, and getting the parish’s blessings, we loaded up the trunk with just about everything that was there, including some I suspect from last year.

My point is this: from those ‘throw-aways’ my better half will make some floral arrangements for the nursing homes/assisted living facilities in our area.

Giving joy to others!!!

This time of year, I ALWAYS reflect on the great quote of G.K. Chesterton, “When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs?”

Pompous Pompeo’s Blessings?

Didn’t our grotesque secretary of state just come back from the Middle East??!

The old Lobsterman is rolling thoughts around within my little grey cells.

What’s the over/under on our boy, Mike “Orca” Pompeo, having given the green light to the happenings outside Teheran yesterday.

It’s been reported he met with MbS and, of course, Bebe.

A grand twilight of the gods…

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has now made an announcement today, local, blaming Israel for the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the prominent Iranian nuclear scientist, saying it was aimed at causing “turmoil” and that Tehran would respond to the killing at the “right time.”

Rouhani, referring to Israel, blamed the “usurper Zionist regime” for the killing and said Fakhrizadeh’s death would NOT impede Iran’s scientific “achievements.”

In a separate speech, Rouhani tied the killing to Trump’s coming departure from office.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Office and the Pentagon have yet to comment, officially, on the reports. 


81 million may NOT like Donald John Trump, but…

Across the country, suburban voters’ disgust with Trump – vital key to Joey’s election – did NOT translate into a wide rebuke !!! of other Republicans, as Dems had expected after the party made significant gains in suburban areas in the 2018 midterm elections.

Miss Nancy‘s invisible act in NOT explaining the narrow majority that the House Dems will hold in Congress next year is ALL one needs to know, and especially in the blood bath that the party suffered in legislative races in key states around the country, despite directing hundreds of millions of dollars and deploying top party figures like Barry Obama to obscure down-ballot elections.

From the top of the party down to the state level, Dem officials are awakening to the reality, this Thanksgiving weekend, that voters may have delivered a one-time verdict on Trump that does NOT equal !!! ongoing support for center-alt left policies.

Pelosi’s goal/mission was to check the power of Republicans to redraw congressional and legislative districts in 2021, and to curb the rightward drift of policies from abortion to gun safety to voting rights.

Democrats came up short… 

Joey, have a nice day at the office, after you raise your right hand.

Allow me a couple of departing thoughts…

Policies that excite the Dems’ base, such as higher taxes to pay for social programs, policing overhauls and a rapid move away from fossil fuels, proved a losing message with “swing voters.”

And, affirmative action programs purporting to improve lives have become sticks of dynamite.

From Beginning to End

There are some close to me, from Day One, who have said…Why?Can’t you tone it down?Put a little air between you and The Weave!Don’t you think you’ve gone too far?

My reasons will remain personally…

Some of us can NEVER go ‘too far’ in reference to Donald John Trump.

Impeached; a loser to COVID-19, creating a loser economy with massive despair for millions upon millions of fellow citizens; loser to Joey; loser in defiling the rule of Law and Order; loser image to most of our long-time Allies; loser in any presentation of the Truth; appointment of a cabal of losers inside the cabinet, as well as into key agency positions; and on, and on.

Trump has now positioned himself, as he’s about to step down, as the worst loser president of ALL-time to become private citizen loser in state and federal courts for tax evasion, fraudulent submission of facts; and, sexual assault.

Malignant narcissist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A federal appeals court, yesterday, rejected !!! Trump’s request for an emergency injunction to overturn the certification ! of Pennsylvania’s election results, delivering yet another defeat to the Orange Whale’s attempts to reverse the outcome in a state that has ALREADY formalized President-elect Biden’s victory

In a scathing 21-page opinion, the 3rd Circuit said that the Trump campaign’s challenge of the district court’s decision had “no merit.”

The opinion was written by Judge Stephanos Bibas, who was appointed to the court by Trump. Bibas was joined by two other Republican-appointed judges in a unanimous vote !!! by the three-member panel.

You are a F!#king loser, Donnie…

So is that ghoul of a personal attorney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!