Leo Tolstoy‘s words from Anna Karenina seem apropos for today’s movie recommendation, in which he wrote the line “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

Leo has my vote!

This holds true for the family of Annie Graham (the wonderous Toni Collette) in Hereditary (2018).

In fact, I’d venture to guess that NO family has faced similar unhappiness, let me think, with the possible exception of those exposed in Rosemary’s Baby.

Hereditary begins with the family preparing for the funeral of Ellen Leigh, Annie’s mother who just passed away at age 78.

Even though she lived in the Graham’s large country home as she descended into dementia in the last few years, she and Annie were NOT what you’d call close.

Annie becomes shocked that the funeral for this “secret and private woman” is so well attended.

It’s clear from the outset that, despite the outward trappings of affluence, this is NOT a healthy group of folks.

Dad Steve (Gabriel Byrne) looks perpetually crushed by the weight of his responsibilities.

Teenager Peter (Alex Wolf) is a stoner who looks generally unwell, with a perpetually sweaty demeanor that is especially alienating compared to his well-scrubbed, suburban classmates.

However. the strangest of ALL is 13-year-old daughter Charlie (Milly Shapiro), who hides behind an unruly mop of hair and makes tiny dolls out of junk.

There’s ALL you need to know…SEE IT…

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