007, RIP

The real James Bond is NO longer with us.

Sir Sean Connery, 90, passed away in his sleep last night.

Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 – BBC News.

He was knighted by the Queen at Holyrood Palace in 2000.

Besides Bond, here are a couple of my favorites…


In the last month-plus, we’ve ALL become aware of the stark indications that Donald John Trump, the GOP and the Sheriff of Nottingham will challenge every ballot they can, at every step of the ’20 election process.

This isn’t about rooting out any mythical voter fraud.

It NEVER was!!!!!!!!!

This is about raw power and maintaining that power by any means necessary!

Almost 90 million folks have ALREADY voted, many, many, many using mail-in ballots, as I type away this morning.

Trump has spent months trying to undermine confidence !!! with mail-in ballots.

The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit this week seeking images of the signature of every registered voter in Democratic-leaning Clark County, Nevada – a potential first step toward challenging individual votes on grounds that the signed ballots don’t match the signatures on file.

Republican officeholders and candidates, in Texas, sued this week to have more than 100,000 votes invalidated in the Houston area because they were cast at drive-through voting centers the GOP has asked a judge to declare illegal.

And in Pennsylvania and Minnesota, also this week, election officials will set aside any mail-in ballots that arrive after Election Dayeven if they were mailed before the polls closed – to facilitate potential court challenges.

For weeks, Republicans have pushed largely unsuccessfully to limit new avenues for voting in the midst of the pandemic.


With next week’s election now 3 days and closing, the GOP have shifted their legal strategies, in recent days, to focus on tactics aimed at challenging ballots one-by-one.

In some cases seeking to discard votes ALREADY cast [like the old Lobsterman’s] during a swell of early voting.

Speaking in Nashville last week, Trump said his campaign would have his own “team” and law enforcement watching polling places, and that the campaign would probably have to challenge individual ballots

The GOP, controlled by an Orange Virus, is trying maliciously to hold back the honest American voter merely trying to exercise his or her constitutional right to vote.

Think you’re goin’ to be scared tonight??!

Halloween will really get under-way on the early morning of November 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For 47 years, many have tried…

To NO avail!

Closing out this week leading into Halloween, my final film suggestion is The Exorcist (1973).

For me, the undefeated champion of scary and horror…uncontested.

Even if one has read William Peter Blatty‘s original novel and knows what to expect, there are scenes that you will still recoil from, due to total shock and revulsion.

It is one thing to read about a case of demonic possession

However, it is quite another thing to see it; to see the furniture fly across a frigid room, to see the ugly sores erupt on the victim’s face, to see the eyes turn fiendish with hate, and to see a snarling beast assert itself in the body of a child.

The great Director Billy Friedkin, with his scrupulous attention to detail, his determination to convey a sense of realism, achieves such startling effects that one comes away completely convinced of the possibility of demonic possession.

The movie rushes headlong towards a blood-curling climax [actual rite of exorcism]; with a series of scenes so powerful it leaves an engaged person exhausted.

The cast is top-shelf.

My only regret is there wasn’t enough Lee J. Cobb [as Lt. Kinderman, who was a much more complex and interesting character in the book].

The Exorcist is a movie that will haunt you and, finally, take possession of you, especially your inner boundaries of Faith



Leo Tolstoy‘s words from Anna Karenina seem apropos for today’s movie recommendation, in which he wrote the line “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

Leo has my vote!

This holds true for the family of Annie Graham (the wonderous Toni Collette) in Hereditary (2018).

In fact, I’d venture to guess that NO family has faced similar unhappiness, let me think, with the possible exception of those exposed in Rosemary’s Baby.

Hereditary begins with the family preparing for the funeral of Ellen Leigh, Annie’s mother who just passed away at age 78.

Even though she lived in the Graham’s large country home as she descended into dementia in the last few years, she and Annie were NOT what you’d call close.

Annie becomes shocked that the funeral for this “secret and private woman” is so well attended.

It’s clear from the outset that, despite the outward trappings of affluence, this is NOT a healthy group of folks.

Dad Steve (Gabriel Byrne) looks perpetually crushed by the weight of his responsibilities.

Teenager Peter (Alex Wolf) is a stoner who looks generally unwell, with a perpetually sweaty demeanor that is especially alienating compared to his well-scrubbed, suburban classmates.

However. the strangest of ALL is 13-year-old daughter Charlie (Milly Shapiro), who hides behind an unruly mop of hair and makes tiny dolls out of junk.

There’s ALL you need to know…SEE IT…


Change of plans??!

What does he know that we don’t??!

The New York Times is now reporting that the Orange Whale has called off plans to appear at the Trump International Hotel on election night and is likely to be at the White House instead.

A FIVE PARAGRAPH ORDER discussion with the Proud Boys and QAnon militia reps??!

Originally, Trump was going to appear at his namesake hotel in Washington for an election night party for which his campaign had sent out multiple fund-raising solicitations to his supporters.

Mail delivery problems??!

“November 3rd will go down in history as the night we won FOUR MORE YEARS. It will be absolutely EPIC, and the only thing that could make it better is having YOU there,” read one solicitation, reportedly, from the 45th president that included an image of Trump and the first lady, Melania, under the words “Join us on election night.”

Concerns, finally, over whether the hotel would be in violation of Washington Coronavirus restrictions limiting gatherings to 50 people??!

Didn’t bother the ACB crowd!!!

Will someone please check to be sure ALL the kayaks are stored in the row house.

Remember Pastor Pence can’t swim…

Mystical propositions??!