There is NO light at the end of the pandemic tunnel!

Disney conceded as much yesterday…

The company has kept tens of thousands of theme park workers on furlough with full health-care benefits, over the last six months.

Disney‘s theme park division said it would now eliminate 28,000 jobs in the United States.

Theme parks will account for most of the layoffs, although Disney Cruise Line and Disney’s retail stores will also be affected.

About 67% of the layoffs will involve part-time jobs that pay by the hour.

However, executives and salaried workers will also be among those laid off.

Disney’s theme parks in California and Florida employed roughly 110,000 people before the pandemic. The job cuts will come from BOTH resorts.

I can only say, personally, Disney World has been a cornerstone of joy for the old Lobsterman and generations of our family.


The effects of a napalm bombing are horrific.

Metaphorically, that’s how it feels this morning after last night’s first presidential debate.

History has NEVER witnessed anything remotely close to it.

At the very least, NO one living in this country has EVER seen such behavior, in their respective lifetime.


It was the game plan of Donald John Trump going into it: interrupt; display rowdiness; and, yell invective, personal insults – minute-by-minute.

Chris Wallace was scheduled to have been the moderator, but for some unannounced reason NEVER showed up!!!!!!

That said, I don’t know that any moderator would have been able to handle what was thrown at him, or her. 

What continues to be so-o-o surprising to me, after five-plus years of watching/listening to the Orange Whale, is how bewildered people were last night [the talking heads on cable] after the debate, and, again, this morning reading over the commentaries by the press.

We got EXACTLY what should have been obvious, as well as expected, to ALL…

Trump turned the evening into a full-scale scrum!!!

Why should any living soul act shocked??!

DJT has NEVER adhered to norms, rules nd/or manners of decorum.


I, personally, think the one moment of “take-away” from this debacle will be Joey Biden saying he is running for president, as a 77-year-old, because of the white nationalists who gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and Trump’s unwillingness to condemn them.

Trump declined to condemn !!! white supremacists again last night, despite being asked directly by Wallace if he would do so.

“I’m willing to do that,” Trump began, before instead saying that “almost everything I see is from the left wing. Not from the right.”

After Biden suggested he condemn the Proud Boys, a far-right organization widely condemned as a hate group, Trump declared, “Proud Boys: Stand back and stand by.”

That moment will likely ‘have legs’ over the next 34 days!


I’ve found it’s wise to keep an open mind about what can happen, especially because small shifts can have large consequences.

Cleveland, Ohio.

Chris Wallace, moderator.

First of the 2020 Presidential Debates.

Democratic nominee Joey Biden has NOT taken many tough questions from the media, or from any one, since his nomination more than a month ago.


For me, this evening comes down to one, and only one, issue: can Joey B. display fluency with facts.

ALL of us know what to expect as regards the antics of The Weave!!!

There are two areas that, hopefully, will be explored tonight:

  • US Attorney John Durham‘s current probe into potential FBI misconduct and law-breaking concerning the origins of the investigation into Trump’s ’16 campaign that led to the Mueller investigation – its status toward completion, and, would Biden, if the probe is NOT completed before his possible election, allow the investigation to continue unhindered until it’s been completed?
  • Trump’s tax issues – specifically hammering away at the fact of why has it taken the IRS so-o-o- f!#king long to complete audits on the 45th president?

With that being said, if TRUTH be told, the old Lobsterman is really hoping for a massive food fight, utter chaos and a full display of the diminishing coherence of two septuagenarians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before classes start, please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

4 GAMES to 2

As I’ve said before in this blog, it’s the toughest championship in ALL of sports to win.

The Stanley Cup.

The Tampa Bay Lightning defeated the Dallas Stars, 2-0, last night, more than two months after they entered the NHL ‘bubble’ in Toronto, to leave Edmonton as the winners of the 2020 Stanley Cup finals.

Lightning defenseman Victor Hedman won the Conn Smythe Trophy as the most valuable player of the playoffs [a rarity for a defenseman].

For the Lightning and many of their players, this Stanley Cup carries an air of vindication.

One year ago, they finished the regular season as the league’s top team and tied a league record with 62 wins. But their championship aspirations were quickly snuffed in a first-round sweep at the hands of the eighth-seeded Columbus Blue Jackets.

Players face a quick turn-around as the 2020-’21 season starts up again [COVID -19 restrictions considered] in a matter of weeks, depending on how the NHL decides to go forward with the new upcoming season.


How much real sleep do you think Pastor Pence, “Moscow Mitch” and/or “Lizard Lindsey” have had since Sunday night??!

ALL on a controlled substance, please raise your hands…no, no ,no, Deplorables, go back to your cans of Lazy Magnolia.

Since late Sunday afternoon, when the New York Times dropped the anvil on top of the Orange Whale‘s hairspray, those of us in cognitive society have been given the momentary joy of reading/listening to the alleged financial exploits of the 45th president and his nearly two decades’ worth of tax information, and his federal income tax payments [or, better stated, lack there of…].

This morass of ‘dirty deeds’ of Donald John Trump has now brought clarity to a known lie: that this bragging so-called billionaire who claimed he had overcome financial hardship was exactly who he was – a hoax!

A carnival barker!!!

The driver of a circus clown car!!!

Now, hours before his first debate with Joey Biden, that image of the self-made, self-saved mogul, beamed into the national consciousness, has been/is embarrassingly soiled!

Trump he was, and is, a fraud!!!

How many of his “losses” are real losses and how many are just exaggerated paper losses created to reduce his tax liability??!

It is safe to say, we may NEVER know…

Monetizing his fame was Trump’s genius.

“The Apprentice” show’s big ratings, prior to politics, meant that everyone wanted a piece of the Trump brand, and he grabbed at the opportunity to rent it out, from $500,000 to pitch Double Stuf Oreos, another half-million to sell Domino’s Pizza and $850,000 to push laundry detergent.

And, guess what, the Deplorables couldn’t get enough of his crap!

From vulnerable investors to good ole boys tailgating…NOTHING mattered close to any sense of reality!!!

Unfortunately, there are many amongst us who have the unique talent of being seduced by illusion.


We’ll get them next year!

Sorry, but I’ve been dying to say that…

My Red Sox and Celtics are d-o-n-e.

24-36 was how the Red Sox finished their abbreviated season – .400 – but, winners in their final 10 games.

Besides pitching, the Red Sox’s biggest decision, this off-season, is likely to be who will be their new skipper for the ’21 season.

Ron Roenicke was immediately let go yesterday, which was a tad surprising…but, yet another reminder, we’re ALL toy soldiers in STRATEGO.

A forgettable baseball season for ALL New Englanders [southern Connecticut and western Vermont citizens are NOT included].

As for my Celtics, they will NOT be in this year’s NBA finals…again.

They were eliminated last night by the Miami Heat, 125-113 in Game 6.

It was the third time in the last four years that the Celtics were beaten in the Eastern Conference finals.

As many of you ALREADY know, I’ll have tons more to say over the coming hours, days, months…


“This is about more than one man’s personal tax scams. Donald Trump is a liar, a cheater, and a crooked businessman, yes. But he’s also taking advantage of a broken, corrupt, and unequal system that’s built for people like him to do what he did.”

As only she can, the above quote comes from Senator Lizzie Warren (D-MA).

Early last night, the New York Times did us ALL a big-time favor, excluding cult Deplorables.

The Times published a mammoth investigation into Donald John Trump’s tax returns, revealing years of aggressive write-offs, tax avoidance, and staggering losses.

This reporting comes at an inopportune time for Trump as he is facing an uphill re-election battle and a string of potential investigation(s) for tax fraud, as well as droves of questionable business practices, by the Manhattan district attorney and the New York state attorney general.

Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and the same amount in 2017, and paid NO taxes at ALL in several previous years, largely because his business empire has reported losing more money than it made.

Well, well, well…

NO wonder the Orange Whale had to pay Stormy Daniels with hush money using 2016 campaign funds.

Consistently, Trump has said he has NOTHING to hide in the tax returns that he has refused to release !!! to the American public.

The 45th president claimed last night at a news conference, as this story was breaking, that it was ALL FAKE NEWS.

But, it was quite obvious that the Times’ disclosure that he has paid NO federal income tax in ten of the last 15 years – and only 11 times in the last 18 years, had rattled Donnie’s cage!

Such details, if they are of solid substance, makes Trump’s reporting of losing more money than he made in the years he did NOT pay taxes, a detail that undermines !!! his business canard that he is a business guru, making it ALL the more white-hot laughable.

The Times said it had obtained tax-return data for Trump and his businesses covering much of the last two decades.

What stood out to me, as I was reading it, was on the reporting that Dreamers pay billions of dollars every year in their taxes and Trump is ALWAYS saying how they are sponging off Americans, right??!

While he, supposedly, only paid $750 a year in taxes?

Who‘s sponging off whom?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What we now know, and have long suspected, from this incredible reporting, is that Trump’s financial condition when he announced his run for president in 2015 lends real credence to the notion that his long-shot campaign was at least in part a gambit to reanimate ! the marketability of his name.

Within the next four years, more than $300 million in loans – obligations for which he is personally responsible – will come due [with such financial pressure hanging around his neck, one can only imagine the potential damage he could do in a second term!!!].

The actual and potential conflicts of interest created by Trump’s refusal to divest himself of his business interests !!!!!!!!! while in the White House has yet to draw the slightest challenge from any living soul.

His properties have become bazaars for collecting money directly from lobbyists, foreign officials and others seeking face time, access or favor.

It would seem my life experiences as a lobsterman prove that fishermen are more financially responsible and better risk managers than the current “Leader of the Free World.”


39 DAYS and counting…

Keep the MAGA hats from a call to arms!!!

If you haven’t, REGISTER to VOTE today…immediately after your sausage biscuit.

Donald John Trump declined for a second straight day to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election, repeating baseless assertions that the voting would be a “big scam,” even as leading Republicans scrambled to assure ??! the public that their party [what party is that you might ask!??] would respect the Constitution.

“We want to make sure that the election is honest, and I’m not sure that it can be,” Trump told reporters while leaving the White House yesterday for a rally.

“The winner of the November 3rd election will be inaugurated on January 20th,” Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, stated on Twitter earlier in the day. “There will be an orderly transition just as there has been every four years since 1792.”

Aunts and uncles, McConnell ain’t gonna save any of us.

This is the same guy who has turned a total blind eye to the corruption of money in Trump politics; conflict-of-interest deals within the White House; leaked information from within chambers of Congress; broken parliamentary procedures – and, on and on.

So, what’s a little autocracy?

It’s impossible to underscore how absolutely extraordinary this situation is, at the moment.

It’s safe to say, it is without precedents!

Like most children, Trump will take ALL the attention he can get, even the negative kind.

Trump feeds himself on the distaste of others!!!

The insatiable addiction of Trump and his republican toadies to psychological projections is LIMITLESS!