The strategy remains exactly the same.

It, the strategy, closely resembles the one Trump and his demonic cabal employed, in the final run-up to the ’16 election, when he spent hours warning/tweeting of swarming hordes of migrants trying to reach the US border through Mexico.

Those “bad hombres…”

Well, the band is back together again trying to depict protests over racial injustice as the campaign issue, attacking Democratic leaders, refusing to condemn deadly vigilante violence and touting a purportedly tranquil “Donald Trump’s America.”

Aunts and uncles, it’s law-and-order time again in America.

This time, the effort is aimed at portraying urban Democratic strongholds as lawless and threatening.

Against the backdrop of a still-raging Coronavirus outbreak [approaching 185,000 US deaths], the White House has/is offering the clearest signal yet of their calculated plan as the campaign against Joey Biden enters the final stretch, with The Weave trailing in the polls [but, keep in mind, he trailed Grandma Clinton at this point of campaign in ’16].

Over the weekend, the White House announced that Trump would meet with local law enforcement and survey the damage from recent protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, following the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Yesterday, leaders in Wisconsin asked Trump to “seriously reconsider” such a trip.

In a letter, Governor Tony Evers, a Dem, penned that the 45th president’s presence in Kenosha would “only hinder our healing.” 

Trump, yesterday morning, posted or reposted a barrage of tweets about the clashes in Portland, Oregon, with many of them assailing the city’s Democratic mayor, Ted Wheeler.

The tangerine-colored Lucifer even retweeted a video showing his supporters shooting paintballs and using pepper spray on crowds in Portland before the fatal shooting.

Trump wrote that “the big backlash going on in Portland cannot be unexpected,” a remarkable instance of a president seeming to support confrontation ! rather than calming a volatile situation.

It’s my guess it was probably written for Trump by toy-boy Tucker.


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