As millions of people were losing their health insurance and the administration was doubling down on trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, the law that had expanded coverage to more than 25 million people, Donald John Trump announced a ‘cure-all’ program this past Spring.

In April, Trump touted his administration’s plan to cover uninsured patients’ Coronavirus treatments by paying hospitals for their costs, on the condition that providers also NOT stick those people with separate charges, using money from the federal Coronavirus relief package passed by Congress.

As in ALL things Trump, the program has drawn little attention since, but a review by the New York Times of the program’s administration/payments made, as well as interviews with hospital executives, patients and health policy researchers who have examined the payments, suggest the quickly concocted plan !!!!!!!!! has NOT lived up to its promise.

Translation: Confusion, on a massive scale, at participating hospitals.

Few patients seem to know the program even exists, so they don’t question the charges.


Many hospitals and other medical providers have elected NOT to participate ! in this so-called vision of wonder, which, obviously, bars them from seeking any payment from patients whose bills they submit to it.

Sounds exactly like the format of a plan that humankind should expect from a cretin who has filed personal bankruptcy six f!#king times…that we know of.

In addition, large numbers of patients have also been disqualified because COVID-19 has to be the primary diagnosis for a case to be covered.

As we know, countless numbers of hospitalized COVID patients often have other serious medical conditions, many have other primary diagnoses.

This “stopgap” fiasco called a program is proof-positive that Trump and his coven have NO vision for improving health coverage, and instead promote piecemeal solutions, even during a national health catastrophe.

Trump had promised a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act by the beginning of August, but NONE has been announced and he and other vermin barely mentioned health policy in the Republican National Convention this week.

The Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan research organization, has estimated that hospital costs alone for uninsured Coronavirus patients could reach between $13.9 – $41.8 billion – far more than what the program has paid out so far.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020.



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