GAMES RESUME…cautiously

The 13 teams remaining in the NBA’s bubble returned to practice late yesterday for the first time since the league postponed its Wednesday night games in response to the Milwaukee Bucksunprecedented move.

An agreement was reached between league governors and players on a series of social justice initiatives that will end a three-day shutdown caused by the Bucks’ decision NOT to take the court for a playoff game this past Wednesday to protest the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Three rounds of talks over two days, including an emergency meeting of the NBA’s Board of Governors on Thursday and multiple meetings within the National Basketball Players Association, produced an agreement to continue with the balance of the playoffs, which are set to run through mid-October.

National Basketball Association playoffs were halted for three days, but the games will resume today.

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver and NBPA Executive Director Michele Roberts announced in a joint statement that the two parties engaged in a “candid, impassioned and productive conversation” Thursday that produced “commitments” between the league and its players that will allow play to resume.

Given the billions in lost revenue because of the pandemic and the more than $100 million spent to construct the Orlando bubble, walking away from this season could have triggered a protracted labor battle that might have placed next season in jeopardy.

Always remember, the only answer to any question is $$$.

Just don’t be lulled into a sense of relief because, in this current climate of social justice, that can be only an ephemeral feeling.

The games continue, but the discomfort will intensify!


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