Trump said Friday that Representative Johnny Ratcliffe (R-TX) would NOT be his nominee for Director of National Intelligence, after lawmakers and former intelligence officials raised concerns that the Texas Republican would politicize the nation’s spy agencies and key senators quietly lobbied against his selection.

Remember that fiasco last August?

Well, aunts and uncles, are you ready to sit back and watch/listen to the sequel??!

It about to get under-way…

At roughly 4:25 yesterday, the Orange Whale tweeted that he intends to revive that aforementioned selection that tanked last year over concerns about his qualifications, stating that Johnny as “an outstanding man of great talent!”

To ALL the ships at sea, stay off-shore!!!

If confirmed, Ratcliffe would replace Dan Coats, who served in the role overseeing and coordinating the nation’s intelligence agencies until August 2019.

The Weave announced earlier this month that Joseph Maguire, a retired Navy vice admiral who served as “acting” Director of National Intelligence, would step down [more like pushed head-first down the stairs!].

Remember, when Johnny was under consideration for the job last year, Dems in Congress questioned ! his credentials and warned !!! that he would politicize ! nonpartisan intelligence agencies.

Even Republicans, including Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (NC), were unenthusiastic then about the choice of Johnny for the intelligence czar post.

Known and confirmed fact: Donald John Trump is entirely INCOMPETENT!

My question: Does everyone who surrounds him need to be incompetent as well???!!!

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