The monster living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is on the loose.

Store Grandma Clinton in the attic…

The Washington Post reported late last night the Trump administration is investigating  the email records of dozens of current and former senior State Department officials who sent messages to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email, reviving a politically toxic matter that overshadowed the ’16 election.

NO one will be safe, trust me.

State Department investigators, in recent weeks, have contacted well-over 100 senior officials who reported directly to Grandma Clinton as well as others in lower-level jobs whose emails were at some point relayed to her email inbox.

You’ll remember many of these emails went over to an unsecured server.

Those targeted were notified that emails they sent years ago have been retroactively classified !!! and now constitute potential security violations, according to letters reviewed by the WaPost.

Investigators began contacting the former officials, Trump’s election, and then seemed to drop the effort before picking it up in August, former government officials related to the WaPost.

The Swamp is the Deep State, and vice-versa, isn’t it??!

Employing the powers of the executive branch against perceived political adversaries – former and present – Nixon would have loved the exercise.

Bear in mind, aunts and uncles, this initiation is by the same monster that overrode ! the concerns of his former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and US intelligence officials to give his son-in-law and senior ??? White House adviser Jared “Ichabod” Kushner access to highly classified materials.

Pitchforks and torches in the ready?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020.


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