This past Wednesday, by tradition, what British Prime Minister Boris Johnson did  amounted to effectively informing the queen of his plans, NOT requesting her permission, as it turned out.

To my surprise, cocooned within the security of her Scottish estate of Balmoral, the 93-year old monarch “approved” to suspend Parliament so that the government can set out a new legislative agenda, specifically centered around the three year nightmare of BREXIT.

We are now some sixty plus hours out from that initial news, and since then Boris has had to face a growing backlash over his decision to suspend Parliament next month.

Critics accuse Johnson of trying to silence lawmakers who want to prevent Britain from leaving the European Union without an exit plan.

It also means that the unmannerly Boris is quickly realizing that as the flood of protesters hit the streets this weekend for nationwide protests, local time, they will be demonstrating against Johnson, NOT QE II.

It’s difficult to rail, with pitchforks and torches, against a ninety-three-year old, unless we’re talking about another re-make of Frankenstein.

Boris has promised that Britain’s BREXIT negotiators [what a group of merry men they must be?] would sit down with their European counterparts twice a week through September, with the possibility of additional technical meetings, to try to reach a deal that would avert the risk of an off-the-abyss departure.

Over 1.5 million people have signed an online protest petition, since Wednesday night.

In overnight polls, far more Brits opposed than supported Johnson’s suspension of Parliament, and angry comments calling it undemocratic peppered social media, many with the hashtag #StopTheCoup.

Numerous reports, including ones by the Bank of England and the International Monetary Fund, have said a no-deal BREXIT would be chaotic and would seriously damage Britain’s economy.

It may well be the little Republic of England and Wales emerges from this mess rather than the United Republics of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland [that may well prove to be a separate kettle of problems!].

Or, maybe just an American colony.

Donnie, forget about purchasing Greenland!!!!!!!!!



We’ve reached a point now where the person in question seems to be stepping in his own do-do every waking hour, of every single day.

In truth, the complete inability to discern truth from fiction has been going on since 1988, during this individual’s first attempt at becoming the leader of the free world.

It was then that one Joe Biden had to drop out of that race due to obvious plagiarism connected with his speeches [Joey seems to have had a strong affinity for the words of Neil Kinnock, leader of the British Labour Party, at the time].

Just recently, Biden made a gaffe saying “poor kids” were as bright and talented as “white kids” before correcting himself…

Then, saying that as vice president he met with students who survived the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, when in fact that shooting had NOT occurred when he was in office…

And, of course, in the span of four days, he mixed up where the El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, gun massacres took place; then invoked former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain when he meant to say Theresa May

NOT remembering whether he was in New Hampshire or Vermont, come on!!! Rock legends may be forgiven, but NOT you, Joey.

The sound of the drums and the marching feet NEVER softens!

And now, just in the last few days, we’re learning about another insensitive [in my opinion!!!] incident that Biden divulged to a New Hampshire audience that had z-e-r-o validity.

Biden told this audience that a four-star general had asked the then-vice president to travel to Konar province in Afghanistan, a dangerous foray into “godforsaken country” to recognize the remarkable heroism of a Navy captain.

From the lips of Biden, he said that some, at the time, told him it was too risky, but Biden said he brushed off their concerns.

Supposedly saying, “We can lose a vice president.” then, “We can’t lose many more of these kids. Not a joke.”

“This is the God’s truth,” Biden said as he told the story. “My word as a Biden.”

Please allow me a moment, as I try to complete this posting…

Almost every detail in the above fairy tale appears to be incorrect, the Washington Post is now reporting.

Based on multiple interviews with more than a dozen US troops, their commanders and Biden’s own campaign officials, it appears as though Joey Biden has, once again, jumbled elements of at least three actual events into one story of bravery, compassion and regret that NEVER happened.

Pathetic…there are numerous other descriptive words I’d prefer to use, but my family are devoted readers/followers of the blog.

Just leave, Joe.

Just leave!








To any one who has been a follower of my blog, you know full well that I detest The Weave and his current Attorney General Billy Barr, and legal waterboy.

However, given the complete avoidance and total disregard displayed hourly by the current administration, I think we have to trust that the IG conducted a fair and impartial inquiry.

To do less is to say, there are NO rules and our system of law does NOT matter.

I’m referring to the report the Justice Department Inspector General (IG) released today that was highly critical of the former FBI Director “Big Jim” Comey’s handling of memos detailing his interactions with the 45th president, accusing him of setting “a dangerous example” for officials with access to government secrets.

I’m also quick to add, I have mixed feelings about Comey, but his revelations that the Toad-in-Chief had tried to obstruct justice and his actions that led to the appointment of  Special Counsel Bobby Mueller were, in the end, good for the country.

Who, amongst us, would want an FBI director who would keep secret the fact that Donald John Trump was trying to obstruct justice?

Plus, I’m sure these two pant-loads are beside themselves today that prosecutors declined to charge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comey.

What I want to know

When, and who, is going to look into the actions/behavior of the obese head of our Justice Department who has booked a $30,000 bash at his boss’s hotel, in downtown DC?  



The rite-of-passage requires BOTH psychological, as well as physical, endurance.

Unfortunately, the finish line, to many in our society, is NEVER reached.

But, yet…when there’s a story about crossing that end…wow, the light doesn’t get much brighter!

Such can be found in the wonderous movie, LEAN ON PETE.

Before I go any further, and tell you a bit about it…if you haven’t seem it, you must.

Get it today, tomorrow from your local library, borrow it from a friend, or from the folks at Amazon.

In a sentence, I loved it!

British director Andrew Haigh makes deeply emotional movies, but the feelings you might get from them aren’t the cheeriest ones.

Thus, I introduce you to Charlie [played by multi-talented Charlie Plummer; a true generational acting gift], a motherless 15-year-old Oregonian whose sweet disposition is rather at odds with his hardened circumstances.

His immature and vile father struggles to put food on the table and has, we quickly learn, made dangerous enemies.

Charley’s only known relative is an aunt who may or may NOT be in Canada. The boy’s sole and small ambition is to stay on at a high school long enough to make the football team, but even this tiny dream quickly becomes doomed.

One day, while out running, Charley happens upon a local racetrack, a circuit of low-rent horses on their last legs – literally and figuratively.

Here, he meets a shifty, whiskeyed-up horse owner Dell [the great Steve Buscemi] and his world-weary jockey, Bonnie [Chloe Sevigny].

They immediately evolve into a surrogate family, and teachers of life’s lessons.

Bonnie repeatedly warns the boy NOT to get too attached to Lean on Pete, the ill-starred racehorse of the title.

But it’s already too late.

Charley has NOT only befriended the unlucky beast, he has made the horse a silent, ear-twitching therapist with whom he shares every secret – for me, the best part of this film.

Thankfully, this is NOT National Velvet!

A WALL…no matter what

The Washington Post is reporting that the current president wants his “beautiful wall” and consequences be damned.

Donald John Trump is so eager to complete hundreds of miles of border fence ahead of the ’20 presidential election that he has directed aides to fast-track billions of dollars’ worth of construction contracts, aggressively seize private land and disregard environmental rules, according to the Post.

The newspaper also claims that The Weave has told his petrified subordinates that he will pardon! them of any potential wrongdoing !!! should they have to break laws !!! to get the barriers built quickly, BOTH current and former Trump officials revealed to Post reporters.

Holy Howdy Doody and Buffalo Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Acting” Defense Secretary Mark Esper [a sickening sycophant] is expected to approve a White House request to divert !!! $3.6 billion in Pentagon funds to the barrier project in the coming weeks, money that Trump sought after lawmakers refused to allocate $5 billion.


Those funds will be pulled from Defense Department projects in 26 states, according to the aforementioned administration officials, so says the Post, on conditions of anonymity.

Well, as Cher said to Sonny, “The beat goes on!”



As they would say, within the pub section, of The Russell Hotel, “predictable, if not a bit ironic.”

In the past, during times of national crisis, British leaders would convene Parliament.

But NOT the new man at the helm, Boris Johnson [by the way, he needs to change tailors!].

From early indications, the newly installed British prime minister seems intent on doing the opposite.

Earlier today, local time, Johnson announced plans that would shorten the time Parliament ! has to debate BREXIT, potentially increasing the likelihood of a no-deal BREXIT.


It has now set the stage for yet another heated showdown with Parliament next week [this madness has been endless], when it returns from summer recess, and possibly again in October, as the Halloween deadline for BREXIT bears down.

And, to add to the drama…

Johnson’s plan also threatens to drag Queen Elizabeth II into the political arena, as she must approve !!! the suspension of Parliament.

It will be the 93-year old Queen’s moment.

Whether she refuses or accepts the decision to suspend parliament, this will be one of the biggest decisions in her reign.

With that being said, it’s my guess that she will ask Johnson to show that he has a majority in parliament before she accepts to take the action of suspension.

Staggering absurdity!

Almost makes The Weave seem like a ‘stable genius.’

Calm down…I did use the word “almost.”


France may NEVER recover during the course of a generation!

Maybe longer…

Ignorance can’t be just washed away!!!

Especially when it’s bottled in the presence of one Donald John Trump.

My wife asked me last night – for the 1,275,736th time – do you think Trump realizes what he’s saying or doing, at any given moment?!!??!

The response has ALWAYS been the same, from me…he does NOT care!

What an unmatched performance Trump displayed at the G-7 Summit…NOT to be compared to any other in humankind.


President Xi Jinping becoming aware that he is “an enemy” to a “great leader” in a matter of less than seventy-two hours.

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Japanese foreign ministry, having to contradict Trump about a “trade deal” stating the negotiations were only at a preliminary stage, and that NOTHING had finalized, as The Weave had stated to the media.

Trump skipping a crucial meeting on Climate Change, after claiming to one and ALL that he was in separate sessions with Germany and India…however, photos released by summit officials clearly show BOTH Angela Merkel of Germany and India’s Narendra Modi attending the Climate Change meetings [were NEVER with Donnie Boy!!!].

The photo of the empty chair [assigned to Trump] for that session should resonate with every cognitive-minded American…and, yes, that leaves you Deplorables out.

Lest any of us forget, his boorish pitch to restore Russia to the group, while attempting to place blame on Obama for the March 2014 Crimea debacle.

Thankfully, it was flatly rejected ! by Germany and Britain, immediately.

But the subject on which Trump’s insanity appeared unambiguous was his plan to steer the ’20 G-7 summit, which the United States is due to host, to his own Doral golf resort near Miami, which, if reports are true, is about to cascade into the Atlantic ocean due to insolvency.

And, then came the concluding embarrassment from this imbecilic cretin, when he was asked whether he was trying to use the presidency to enrich himself.

Trump’s insidious response was the claim that the presidency had cost him $3 billion to $5 billion.

Blatant self-dealing.

Emoluments clause violation…again.

Application for the 25th Amendment.

The functionality of Congress.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020.



We’ve just started on what could best be described as a dangerous, in ALL manner of evidence, ride…

And, the worst part is…NO one gives a damn!

Balancing the Budget; D-E-B-T; Deficits; and, Taxes.

There is a bipartisan consensus of sorts that literally doesn’t give two toots as regards the discipline of balancing the budget.

Why bother to curb budget deficits?

What’s the catastrophic consequences in letting them continue?

And, here’s the best one, from ALL the talking heads at MSNBC, FOX Business, CNN, and CNBCdeficit reduction now might raise the risk of RECESSION.

As you head to the beaches, lakes, mountains, parks, and ball games – one last time – over the upcoming extended Labor Day weekend, carve out an hour and just look at our own government’s Report from Hell

Click to access 55551-CBO-outlook-update_0.pdf

Allow me to highlight this projection, between 2020 and 2029, the deficits total $12.2 trillion, which is nearly $1 trillion more than was estimated in May – just 3 months ago!!!

In every year after 2020, the deficit exceeds $1 trillion and is more than 4%  of gross domestic product (GDP).


And, listen, aunts and uncles, that’s assuming NO recession and the US staying at full employment, which ain’t goin’ happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL you Deplorables, do you think the likes of Carrot Top, Petey Navarro, Stevie Mnuckin, Wilbur “Sleepy” Ross, and Larry “Kuddles” Kudlow have the mustard for a hot dog this long, and serious, to put any significant bite into it??!!?!!??

And, the true sadness is BOTH political parties share substantial blame, going back to “Dutch” Reagan [it should be acknowledged, “Slick Willie” Clinton did leave the country with a budget surplus!].

The glutenous spending of taxpayer’s money…


Numerous warnings, but NEVER any action/plan committed to…

Has anyone been able to track down Bernie yet?





Emmanuel’s SLIGHT of HAND

Remember Javad Zarif?

Stop pretending, of course you do!

Iran’s top diplomat.

Well, guess what?

France’s diminutive leader, Emmanuel Macron, quietly invited Zarif to the G-7 Summit, when his name was NOT even on anyone’s list.

Now, allow me to quickly note for the record, our current president claims that he was made aware of the guest infraction early Saturday morning [however, I have serious doubts – but the truth may be somewhere in the Land of Dying Souls].

It would seem to the old Lobsterman that little Emmanuel wanted to get his application in early for next year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

That’s the prize Donnie said he was in line for after Chairman Kim Jong-un had purportedly written him the first of a series of “beautiful letters” a year or so ago, as regarded the wonderous advancement toward North Korea‘s denuclearization.

As a point of reference, has anyone seen any of those letters? Show of hands, please.

Thank you, I thought NOT!!!

But, back to France…

For months, the French leader has sought to act as a mediator between Iran and the US without any apparent success, pertaining to the US removal from the ’15 Nuclear Accord under the Obama administration .

The decision to invite Zarif to Biarritz was a huge gamble for Macron, who has been criticized !!! by US officials for his unorthodox handling of the summit in general.

If any of you have watched Macron trying to interact with world leaders for the compensatory group pictures, you know full well what I’m getting at.

A Marx Brothers film doesn’t contain as many chuckles!!!

In addition to the US declining to meet with Zarif, NO official representing the European Union (EU) delegation was reported to have met with Zarif.



The obese specie with the thinning bouffant, and wrinkled orange skin, is at it again…

According to world-wide reporting, late last night, as well as early this morning, the 45th president called Chinese officials [we still do NOT know, specifically, who those officials are/were] and said, “let’s get back to the table.”

ALL this coming a day after the White House said Donald John Trump regretted ! NOT escalating tariffs further on Chinese goods.

Is there any way to put a brainwave device at the base of his remaining strands of  pumpkin hair???!

Alongside Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, while engaging reporters, Trump called the phone discussions a “very positive development.”


Chinese foreign-ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said earlier today, local time, he was “not aware of” such phone calls between China and the US.

Tic toc, the mouse ran up the clock!

The renewed optimism from Trump about a trade deal with China comes as tensions have risen dramatically over the last 96 hours.

Trump said the US had received two calls from China but declined to say if he was speaking directly with Xi Jinping.

It’s ALL a mixture of what’s behind Door 2 with our elected Clown-in-Chief, isn’t it