For $15, plus shipping, conservative consumers can now buy a pack of 10 identical and reusable red plastic drinking straws.

Each comes laser engraved with “Trump” on the side, ALL are manufactured in the USA [doubtful, my guess North Korea], and every purchase counts as a political contribution to the re-election campaign of the 45th president of the United States of America.

Lower the Landing Craft, on my command…

The Trump campaign ordered 200,000 straws last week, then scrambled to order more when the first batch sold out.

NO joke…unless the RNC is lying.

The idea – this is the truth – comes from Trump ’20 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale after his personal trauma of fighting with a wet, soggy straw in his beverage of choice during a fast food meal.

Another wedge issue for Jim Hansen, Wendell Berry, Bill McKibben, and their brethren to let their voices be heard throughout this upcoming campaign?

One hopes…

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