Oprah Winfrey’s spiritual adviser RULES

What happened last night in Detroit?

I couldn’t tell you if my life depended on it!

ALL I can tell you is I’ve been mumbling to myself since about 4:15 this morning.


What’s the cause for this catatonic state?

Marianne Deborah Williamson.

Williamson – a New Age author, who has written thirteen books [of which I’ve NOT read a single paragraph].

Oprah Winfrey’s spiritual adviser [remember last year when most of the universe thought the Big O would run?].

The CNN debate broadcast [Jake, Dana and Don, please report to the principal’s office…with your books!!!] dubbed Williamson last night, a “Washington outsider” – having announced her 2020 Presidential bid this past January.

As the so-called debate wore on, her statements seemed to take on an almost prophetic force [with a Veronica Lake quality], utilizing the language of self-help.

“Emotional turbulence,” and “healing” are just some of her bywords.

Williamson took it to Senator Lizzie Warren (MA) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), urging them to be less wonky and connect better with the American people.

But, it appeared that Williamson struck an emotional chord as she outlined how much she thought the government should pay to descendants of slaves as reparations

“And I believe that $200 billion to $500 billion is politically feasible today, because so many Americans realize there is an injustice that continues to form a toxicity underneath the surface, an emotional turbulence that only reparations will heal.”

As absurd as it for me to type this, she made more of an impression than many of the other candidates on the stage.

Part of her conclusion was, for me, a direct hit…stating that in the context of the political realities that Williamson was invoking, the 45th president’s legacy was a “dark psychic force.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi could NOT have put a finer point on it!!!




Trump, who is NOT singled out by the law but is clearly its inspiration, is likely to fight back.

Our current president will be ineligible for California’s primary ballot next year unless he discloses his tax returns under a state law that took effect immediately yesterday, an unprecedented mandate that is almost certain to spark a high-profile court fight and might encourage other states to adopt their own unconventional rules for presidential candidates.

Sic him, y’all!

The law, signed by Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on the final day he could take action after it passed on a strict party-line vote in the Legislature earlier this month, requires ALL presidential candidates to submit five years of income tax filings.

They must do so by late November to secure a spot on California’s presidential primary ballot in March.

Have a peek…


Assuredly, Newsom’s signature on SB 27 sets the stage for a nationally watched legal debate over a state’s power to decide which names appear on its presidential ballot.

The play within the play…





Exactly what were they suppose to do, as well as prevent???

Well, aunts and uncles, here we go again…

A server holding customer information for Capital One was hacked.

The Virginia-based bank with a popular credit card business, announced yesterday that a female hacker had accessed about 100 million !!! credit card applications, and investigators say thousands of Social Security and bank account numbers were also taken.

On-line banking, anyone…?!!?

The suspect, 33, was arrested by the FBI, on a charge of computer fraud and abuse.

She formerly worked for Amazon Web Services, which hosted the Capital One database that was breached.

The hacker was NOT shy about her work.

She is listed as the organizer of a group on Meetup, a social network, called Seattle Warez Kiddies, described as a gathering for “anybody with an appreciation for distributed systems, programming, hacking, cracking.”

Hey, Mom and Dad, I’d like you to meet my hacking and cracking girl friend…

According to court papers and Capital One, she stole 140,000 Social Security numbers and 80,000 bank account numbers in the breach!

When is the government, in addition to the business community, going to realize that cyber crime is NOT a joke, and that ALL of Planet Earth is now digitized???!

Guess what…your and my personal information is NOT safe!




For $15, plus shipping, conservative consumers can now buy a pack of 10 identical and reusable red plastic drinking straws.

Each comes laser engraved with “Trump” on the side, ALL are manufactured in the USA [doubtful, my guess North Korea], and every purchase counts as a political contribution to the re-election campaign of the 45th president of the United States of America.

Lower the Landing Craft, on my command…

The Trump campaign ordered 200,000 straws last week, then scrambled to order more when the first batch sold out.

NO joke…unless the RNC is lying.

The idea – this is the truth – comes from Trump ’20 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale after his personal trauma of fighting with a wet, soggy straw in his beverage of choice during a fast food meal.

Another wedge issue for Jim Hansen, Wendell Berry, Bill McKibben, and their brethren to let their voices be heard throughout this upcoming campaign?

One hopes…


“Sleepy Joe” Biden may be under attack the next two nights…

Something he does NOT like.

Like in June, Biden could be the center of abuse when he debates on the second night of programming. But this time, he might start taking fire on night one.

Twenty Democrats will arrive in Detroit today and tomorrow for the next presidential-primary debates, and the stakes are rising for ALL of them.

Biden, along with Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg are now engaged in a neurotic array of policy fights shaping the national conversation on the left.

For the rest, the hour glass is running out to prove their viability before the field gets sifted through for the next debates.

Let’s hope there’s NO hesitation from the CNN moderators to let the candidates fight it out themselves with little interruption…MSNBC did a terrible job with the first debate.

Biden’s opponents view him as ‘the’ contender.

But, ALL are ravenous to devour his carcass to the bone.

“Sleepy” does NOT like being picked over…

This week’s debates are almost certainly the last chance for about half the field to NOT just make waves but to remain viable heading into the fall.

The challenge isn’t just that attention is increasingly centered on five top-tier candidates but that the nominating process’s structure makes breaking through almost impossible after Wednesday night.

Both nights of the debates are on CNN, from 9-11:00 pm, ET. 


Borrowing money!




ALL are an anathema in Washington, DC!!!

Very few of our elected officials have them on their radar.

We’ll deal with those issues when we deal with those issues…

The federal government is set to top $1 trillion for the second year in a row as higher spending outpaces revenue growth and concern about budget deficits metastasizes.

The Treasury Department said yesterday it expects to issue $814 billion in net marketable debt in the second half of this calendar year, bringing total debt issuance to $1.23 trillion ! in 2019.

That’s almost as much as Jared “Ichabod” Kushner owes the world…almost.

The current bipartisan budget agreement, set for approval by the Senate this week, would boost federal outlays and suspend the government’s borrowing limit for two years[of course it will, let’s ALL feel better], adding further to annual deficits into the future.

Also, it would lift spending $44 billion above fiscal year 2019 levels, or 3.5%, NOT including emergency war funding or one-time funding for the 2020 census.

Emergency war funding or one-time funding for the 2020 census are nothing more than terms for “play money” to be used for – God knows what – by the 45th president.

To put the proverbial cherry on top of the cake, our US deficit as a share of the economy is set to more than double !!! over the coming decades, due in part to higher spending on Social Security and Medicare.

Maybe I should stop taking my three tablespoons of Flax Seed in the morning.

…it continues

Three people were killed – including a six-year old – and 15 were injured in a shooting yesterday at a food festival in Gilroy, California, a small town south of San Jose.

One suspect was also killed by police. Dozens of officers were/are searching for another possible suspect late last night/early this morning, as I type.

The shooting started around 5:40 pm, local time, at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, which is held annually in its namesake city of about 50,000 people.

The gunman opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle, according to law-enforcement officials.

The horror that men with guns can inflict upon a society and its people knows NO boundaries.

But this is us!!!

This is who we are…



Again, we have a “situation” that should NOT surprise anyone, right?

Dan Coats will be stepping down as the Director of National Intelligence.

Time to move on, Danny.

Exhale a tad…

You and Carrot Top NEVER had a normal relationship any way.

But, we, the nation, will suffer with your leaving…

Coats, a former senator and longtime pillar of the Republican establishment who angered the president by providing “unwelcome assessments” of Russia, North Korea and other matters, told The Weave last week that his hour glass had run out.

For me, what’s important to note about this departure is it removes one of the most prominent national security officials willing to contradict ! our KNOW-Nothing president.

Funny the only people in Trump’s administration he continually gets frustrated with and eventually sacks are those who care about this country and whose goal it is to protect it.

Coats showed his integrity and willingness to protect our nation from outside influence and danger

Loyalist lapdog Texas Republican representative John “Johnnie R” Ratcliffe will take over the country’s expansive network of spy agencies.

Johnnie R has embraced Trump’s theories about the Russia investigation and was among the sharpest questioners of Bobbie Mueller, at last week’s hearings. Nauseating to watch, on BOTH counts.

The presidential cabinet has become the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad!!!


It’s just another example of his demonstration to degrade !!! a political opponent.

The current president ranted yesterday morning on Twitter about an African American lawmaker by disparaging the Baltimore district that Representative Elijah Cummings (D-MD) represents as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”

There are many of us that feel it describes Donald John Trump far better than the streets of Baltimore.

Trump, once again, proving he is the entity without a soul.

Cummings, as chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, has initiated most of the investigations into the Trump administration’s operations and policies.

“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous,” Trump wrote.

“His district is considered the Worst in the USA.”

Trump rambled on, “Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place.”

Cummings responded on Twitter shortly afterward, saying that he was a vigorous advocate for his district. “Mr. President, I go home to my district daily,” he wrote. “Each morning, I wake up, and I go and fight for my neighbors. It is my constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the Executive Branch. But, it is my moral duty to fight for my constituents.”

Trump’s constant use of racist tropes generated enormous anger on the part of Democrats and a few Republicans after his recent bombastic comments of “The Squad” – four first-term congresswomen of color.

Aunts and uncles, this is the DJT playbook…you need NOT look beyond that fact.

Get ready for a vile, disruptive, and potentially dangerous 2020 election campaign.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020…get out the vote.


Over the last 36-plus hours, the Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) seems to have taken on a new identity.

Moscow Mitch by the talking heads on MSNBC.

A Russian Asset from the center-left folks at the Washington Post.

“Lapdog” will be sufficient for the old Lobsterman, at the moment.

Just a few days ago, special counsel Bobby Mueller, in one of his brief moments of sensibility and coherency, during his appearance before the congressional hearings on Russian interference in the ’16 election, uttered a stern warning that the Russia threat “deserves the attention of every American.”  

At the time, I had assume that that included McConnell.

I was terribly wrong!

It now appears that Moscow Mitch is, in fact, NOT an American.

He seems to be doing Vlad “The Bad” Putin‘s bidding, from my vantage point on the Prairie.

On Thursday, the House passed an election security measure that would require voting systems to use backup paper ballots in federal contests, while also mandating improvements to the higher-tech side of the polls.

The full chamber voted 225-184 to send the bill to the Senate. Basically, along party line voting.

Yesterday, Senator Chuckie Schumer (D-NY), the minority leader, asked for the Senate to pass the Securing America’s Federal Elections Act, already, as I mentioned, passed by the House, that would direct $600 million in election assistance to states.

Moscow Mitch’s response, “It’s just a highly partisan bill from the same folks who spent two years hyping up a conspiracy theory about President Trump and Russia,” he said. “Therefore, I object.”

I apologize for the sloppiness of my writing with this posting…but, that’s what you get sometimes with the dry heaves!