Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Self-proclaimed head of the Islamic State.

For the past five years, intel officials –world-wide – have asked: Is he alive, wounded or dead?

As I bang away at the keyboard this am, they still are…

With one ripple.

Yesterday, he reappeared, allegedly, leaning on a cushion with an assault rifle at his side, in a video seeking to rally ! his followers after the loss of the group’s territory in Iraq and Syria and its execution of one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in years, on Easter in Sri Lanka.

Officially, z-e-r-o confirmation it’s him…yet.

The US has a $25 million bounty of his ass.

“Our battle today is a battle of attrition, and we will prolong it for the enemy, and they must know that the jihad will continue until Judgment Day,” he said in the video.

It was unclear when or where the video was recorded, but the parts that refer to recent events, like the Sri Lanka attack, are addressed in audio, NOT video, suggesting that it may have been recorded weeks ago with newer audio portions added later.

This video appears at a critical inflection point for the Islamic State.

Despite the moronic claims by the 45th president that the loss of the so-called caliphate in Iraq and Syria had vanquished the group, it is believed, by international security experts, to still have thousands of fighters there who have gone underground.

The video appeared to be an effort to demonstrate that despite his group’s tremendous losses, it is still active and al-Baghdadi is paying attention. He made passing references to the Israeli election and the toppling of longtime strongmen in Sudan and Algeria.

The bombing of places of worship should once again place the world on ‘full alert’ at ALL times.

EVIL is determined, and ready to blow themselves and take down innocent people.

Brutality and barbarism are words that don’t even scratch the surface of description as regards these violent parasites.



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