James Earl Carter, Jr.

Former president Carter, yesterday, became the longest-living president in US history, just another milestone as he continues a rich post-presidential life that has spanned nearly four decades.

Jimmy Carter, the nation’s 39th president, reached the age of 94 years and 172 days, making him a day older than former president George H.W. Bush was when he died in November.

My wife and I got to know the president and Mrs. Carter reasonably well through the Carter Center, while living in Atlanta for 21 years.

The better half was the liaison between Emory University and the center, working very closely with Mrs. Carter, in the scheduling of events both at Emory as well as the center.

In fact, for a period of about 30 months, my bride was the only Republican on staff…a running joke to this day.

The Carters are as they seem, and come across, through the media and television.

Only better and more devoted and spiritual in person

Three years after Carter announced he would receive treatment for cancer that had been discovered in his brain, the former president remains vibrant, while slowed in movement.

President Carter was/is a true blessing in our lives.


Bobby has wrapped it up!

As of about an hour and eleven minutes ago, the special counsel, Bobby Mueller, has delivered a report on his inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election to Attorney General Billy Barr, according to the Justice Department, bringing to a close an investigation that has consumed the nation and cast a shadow over Donald John Trump for nearly two years.

Equanimity, whatever Bobby’s report says?! 

There is one point that I want to make, at this juncture, knowing absolutely NOTHING yet as regards what may be in this report, which is the fact that there were NO leaks, over these two years, which was/is incredible.


Barr told congressional leaders in a letter late this hour that he may brief them within days on the special counsel’s findings.

“I may be in a position to advise you of the special counsel’s principal conclusions as soon as this weekend,” Barr wrote in a letter to the leadership of the House and Senate Judiciary committees.

Buckle up, America…

This is just the end of the beginning!

Developing…more to come…stay hydrated, aunts and uncles.



From the Halls of Montezuma
To the Shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country’s battles
In the air, on land and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
of United States Marine.

Marine Corps General Robert Neller, commandant of the Marines, warned the Pentagon that deployments to the southwest border and funding transfers under the president’s emergency declaration, among other unexpected demands, have posed “unacceptable risk to Marine Corps combat readiness and solvency.”

Readiness; Discipline; Military Responsibility; Focus; and Loyalty.

Character traits that Cadet Bone Spurs NEVER had, nor will have…

Neller said the “unplanned/unbudgeted” deployment ! along the border that Trump ordered last fall, and shifts of other funds to support border security, had forced him to cancel or reduce planned military training in at least five countries, and delay urgent repairs at bases.

You understand “unintended consequences,” don’t you, Donnie?!!??!

The border deployment and funding transfers, as well as recovery costs from hurricanes Florence and Michael, new housing allowances and civilian pay raises, are taking a toll on combat readiness, Neller wrote to Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan and Navy Secretary Richard Spencer in February as well as earlier this month.

Neller, who has been commandant since September 2015, said Marines “rely on the hard, realistic training” of the training exercises “to develop the individual and collective skills necessary to prepare for high-end combat.”

While the armed services chiefs often warn of budget shortfalls, independent experts who reviewed Neller’s memos described the language as unusually strong, in particular because it cites the president’s highest-profile political priorities.

“Vanity is the quicksand of reason.” ~ George Sand

#51 exits…Sayonara

Ichiro played in his final Major League Baseball (MLB) game yesterday as the Mariners faced the Athletics at the Tokyo Dome in the second contest of the 2019 season.

The reception from a swarm of adoring fans, who gave him a large ovation as he exited from right field in the bottom of the eighth, was priceless…

The heart is meant to have its strings tugged on…

Ichiro ran toward the plate from right field and approached Seattle’s dugout as the Mariners waited to embrace their franchise legend.

He hugged Dee Gordon, Ken Griffey Jr. [talk about a legend!] and Yusei Kikuchi among others, while soaking-in the love from the Japanese fans.

He was/is/will be one of their own forever.

Ichiro retires as one of the premier hitters in MLB history.

Ichiro holds the single-season hits record, slapping 262 hits !!! in 2004 [unlikely to ever be broken!] to beat George Sisler’s 84-year record.

The 10-time All-Star won the MVP in his rookie year in 2001. He led the MLB in hits seven times in his first 10 seasons, retiring with 3,089 hits and 1,420 runs.



ah, Hah…The Weave just can’t help himself!

Even during Lent.

Benji, step aside, let me handle this for you.

Yesterday, Donald John Trump declared the US should recognize Israel’s authority over the long disputed Golan Heights, delivering a valuable election-eve gift to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but abandoning decades of American policy in the Middle East.

What Foreign policy?

Could recognizing the annexation cause NOTHING but heightened tension everywhere beyond Israel and could, eventually, this ill-thought announcement lead to another huge war

Maybe when one is facing residence in a holding cell on Rikers Island, one doesn’t give a poop!

Nor, take counsel well!!!

Netanyahu, a close political ally who is fighting for his survival in the election scheduled for April 9th, and has called on his friendship with the American president as a prime argument for staying in office.

Trump’s move, while popular in Israel and among some lawmakers in Congress, is likely to be condemned ALMOST everywhere else.

The UN has rejected ! Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights since 1967, when Israeli troops seized the 400 square miles of rocky highlands from Syria during the Arab-Israeli war.

Keep in mind, Syria=Iran, Russia, ISIS, and thousands more of very, very, very nasty folks.

And, what happens now to “Ichabod” Kushner‘s peace talks?

Another one of our Top Secret Foreign policy advisers, whose clearance code is 666 5th Avenue

And, best of ALL, as we’ve ALL come to expect from this highly-thought of American diplomat, Trump’s announcement was delivered to Planet Earth in a midday Twitter post.

My position on this latest international declaration by the 45th president, as the sun appears across the Prairie, US recognition is simply recognition of the obvious, NOTHING more.

Better to save my outrage for more important things…


Earlier today, local time, European Union (EU) leaders agreed to extend the deadline for Britain’s looming exit from the bloc in order to give British Prime Minister Theresa May and the British Parliament more time to get their act together.

BREXIT remains a staple at breakfast over one’s scones and tea throughout the ancient kingdom.

After decades [it seems that way, doesn’t it?], in truth, hours of difficult and sometimes passionate talks, the EU leaders decided that Britain’s exit date will be pushed back to May 22 if next week May can persuade lawmakers in Parliament to accept her plan ??!?for leaving the bloc, which they have already rejected overwhelmingly, NOT once but twice.

And, to think that David Cameron won’t even spend a second being interviewed by Larry King…what a classic that event would be…

For much of the out-right chaos within the UK, at the moment, Theresa May should be held totally responsible for most of it, especially over the last 18 plus months.

She wasted time on an election which weakened her power. She spent an eternity producing her BREXIT proposal, basically listening to just a handful of people, then kept putting off Parliamentary votes on the proposal.

When it was soundly defeated in Parliament she delayed further and tried to bully Parliament into voting for the same unacceptable scheme.

A nation that strongly acts against its own interest…hmmm, it has the smell and appearance of things just around our own corners and streets, doesn’t it?



Today is the start of the 2019 Division 1 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament.

We’re about 37 minutes from the first tip-off.

So-o-o, here are the old Lobsterman’s picks to get to the Final Four, the champion and the final score.

You don’t get those scrambled eggs from anyone else, do ya

EAST: Duke

WEST: Texas Tech

SOUTH: Virginia

MIDWEST: Kentucky

CAHMPIONSHIP GAME: Texas Tech vs Kentucky


…to a new level!!!

This highly psychotic occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will do anything to distract from the real issues of our citizens !!! including outrageous pricing of pharmaceuticals;  mass murder by guns; wage equality; the loss of jobs in the US; quality education; closing of healthcare facilities in rural communities; and, climate control.

This bloody toad much prefers maintaining ! the actions of an 8-year old during trade/tariff negotiations; delaying new detailed plans for healthcare [other than to complain]; separating families at our southern border; appoint criminals to his cabinet; alienate long-time allies; make folly with high-level discussions with North Korea; engage in witness tampering; involve himself in the daily skirting the emolument clause; defying our Constitution in an attempt to build a “vanity wall;” and, heading up a government by self-serving plutocrats.

I could go on, and on, for hours!

But, yesterday, Cadet Bone Spurs took his crass den of iniquity “to a new level…”

The personal white whale Trump can NOT seem to shake: John McCain.

In front of a military audience at a tank plant in Lima, Ohio, Trump went off the rails!!!

The 45th president said he gave McCain “the funeral he wanted, and I didn’t get ‘thank you,’” exaggerating the role he played in honoring the senator’s death.

“I have to be honest: I’ve never liked him much,” Trump spewed, about 10 minutes into a freewheeling speech that was ostensibly about the resurgence of manufacturing jobs.

Now, months after McCain’s death in August, Trump suddenly can NOT stop talking about his old adversary, outraging McCain’s supporters and creating another divide – sadly for only a day or two, if that – between himself and congressional Republicans.

An intervention wouldn’t even help this sick mongrel!

This 5-deferment pansy’s attacks began over this past weekend, when Trump used his Twitter feed [he’s so-o-o brave!] to berate McCain for his role in giving the FBI a dossier of unverified information about Trump’s connections to Russia that was compiled by a former British spy – a dossier the FBI ALREADY had.

And, Trump also brought up McCain’s vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act.

The torment of jealousy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such a serpent violates Contracts, Dissolves Society, Breaks Wedlock, Betrays Friends, Negates Loyalty, and Embarrasses a Nation.



NOT the Dr. Phil crap!

I’m referring to SWAMP drama…

Washington, DC, America!

Remember last November, the voters overwhelmingly put Democrats in charge of the House of Representatives to start serving as a truly independent “check and balance” on the executive branch.

Since girl scouts like Devin “Waterboy” Nunces (R-CA) were found spending time, literally, in the bushes outside the Oval Office, rather than acting like an adult.

Well, guess what?

The White House has elected – NO surprise – to engage in an unprecedented level of stonewalling, delay and obstruction.

Much of which having to do with the Oversight and Reform Committee, the primary investigative body in the House of Representatives, chaired by Elijah Cummings (D-MD).

From the time of the January transition to a Democrat majority in the House, Cummings has sent 12 letters to the White House on a half-dozen topics: some routine and some relating to core national security interests.

The White House, in response, has refused !!! to hand over any documents or produce any witnesses for interviews.

NOT a single piece of paper to the above committee or make a single official available for testimony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Instead, the White House offered to let the committee read – but NOT keep – a few pages of policy documents that had z-e-r-o to do with the officials being investigated, along with a general briefing on those policies during which they will answer NO questions about specific employees of the government of the United States of America.

“government of the people, by the people, for the people”

Damn, I want to know much, much, much more about the security clearances for the royal couple – Ichabod and Ivanka.

666 5th Avenue, Manhattan, New York, y’all.



Listen, Trout got his Ft. Knox haul, so it’s time to go back to being the obnoxious hypocrites we ALL are…right?

The 2019 Major League Baseball (MLB) season got started on the other side of the globe, aunts and uncles.


In the first game of the 2019 MLB season, which was played while much of the United States was still dreaming of next week’s “opening day” where the rest of teams start in earnest, the Seattle Mariners collected a 9-7 win over the Oakland Athletics.

For real…

It’s the first of two games between the Athletics and Mariners at the Tokyo Dome.

For the fifth time MLB has opened a season at the Tokyo Dome – the most of any ballpark outside its 30 member stadiums in North America.

A packed crowd of 45,787 came out to see what is likely to be Ichiro Suzuki’s final pro appearances in Japan.

In a class move, the Mariners are allowing 45-year-old outfielder Suzuki to be in the lineup for the first of the team’s two-game series against the Athletics.

I’m delighted that Seattle is doing this, it is a perfect way to say thank you ! to a modern day baseball legend.