CAN BILLY come out and PLAY?

The Justice Department expects ?!!? to release a redacted version of special counsel Bobby Mueller’s report on Russian interference by mid-April, attorney general Billy Barr told Congress, in the face of continued pressure from Democrats demanding to see the full document.

Barr, in a letter to congressional leaders Friday, provided an update on the efforts by the Justice Department to make public as much of the report outlining the special counsel’s findings as possible.

The 22-month investigation probed Russian activity during the 2016 election, as well as whether the 45th president obstructed justice.

Of course he did, and has for the past 55-years…

Here’s a copy of Billy’s letter

In his letter, Barr said the report was nearly 400 pages, excluding tables and appendices, and that Justice officials had NO plans to submit the report to the White House for review of any confidential or privileged information.

A Public Service Announcement to ALL: Please don’t hold your breath on any word in my above paragraph!!!

He said material related to intelligence sources, ongoing investigations, grand-jury matters and the privacy of individuals NOT charged with crimes will be redacted [completely agree on this point!] from any version made public [it’s my hope that Mueller and Rosenstein will be involved DIRECTLY in any redaction process].

The attorney general’s latest letter did NOT mollify Democratic lawmakers, who want to see NOT only the unredacted report but also much of the evidence that Mueller drew upon in drafting it.

In the meantime, Trump’s Deplorables are furious over the fact that they Still have Health Care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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