“treasonous” people guilty of “evil” deeds

“In War: Resolution,
In Defeat: Defiance,
In Victory: Magnanimity
In Peace: Good Will.” ~ WSC

NOT that I was surprised.

NOT that I expected anything to play out differently.

NOT that I’m embarrassed to say that I was terribly disappointed.

But, why such a deep venomous response??!

NO one should be in a state of shock over the fact that the current president has NEVER consume a word of Churchill, nor truly understood the word, statesman, but, come on…

Yesterday, as if right on que, Donald John Trump went on the offensive a day after the special counsel investigation reported NO conspiracy with Russia, suggesting that critics who pursued such suspicions were “treasonous,” guilty of “evil things” and should be investigated themselves.

“I’ve been looking at them for a long time,” Trump added, “and I’m saying why haven’t they been looked at? They lied to Congress, many of them, you know who they are. They’ve done so many evil things.”

Under counsel from my Number One son, this is a good time to take a few steps back and acknowledge the limited scope of the special counsel’s report.

Trump indicated that he would support releasing the full report ! by Mueller, as demanded by congressional Democrats. “Up to the attorney general,” he said. “Wouldn’t bother me at all.”

Aunts and uncles, don’t for a second believe that crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What’s sad, but completely typical of Trump is that instead of looking at the conclusion of this two-year long saga as an opportunity to move forward, unify the country, his first reaction is to turn ! on the completely legitimate investigation and just as reasonable questions by the media, press and many Americans about what truly happened.

Continue to look at the totality of Trump’s behavior where the topic is Russia: the lying; his vitriol towards federal law enforcement and the intelligence community; the connections with Kremlin-connected businessmen; the extreme solicitousness towards Russian interests; and, Vlad Putin as an individual.

How in the world could there be an innocent explanation for ALL of this?

The great white whale is still out there!!!

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