Now that the special counsel, Bobby Mueller, has provided Attorney General Billy Barr with his report about the Russian investigation, what will Billy do?

What happens next is totally up to Billy…

Barr has the document and notified lawmakers yesterday…

The 45th president aside, Barr can unilaterally decide if the Congress, NOT to say the public, get to see the independent counsel’s report on interference on our democracy and if our president has any part in it?

I, for one, do NOT have ‘full faith and confidence’ that will happen…hope I’m wrong.

Just another example of my coming to the realization, over these last 22 months, how much power certain individuals have within this incredible Civics lesson we’ve ALL been witnessing.

Keeping in mind that Mueller was charged with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, and regardless of what crimes/indiscretions Trump may have committed, lets ALL hope/demand this report will provide impetus to clean up !!! our electoral process so we do NOT have yet another election debacle.

In a sentence, the country doesn’t need Billy Barr’s Cliff Notes!

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