We’re within an hour or so of “The Fixer” climbing into the ring.

Must TV, aunts and uncles.

Hope each of you has prepared accordingly.

I’ve deviated a little today…going with green tea, cinnamon toast and strawberries over Cheerios in the early going this morning.

The hype is that Michael Dean Cohen, aka The Fixer, plans to tell Congress today that the 45th president is a “con man” and a “cheat” who knew a longtime adviser was communicating with WikiLeaks and who implicitly instructed Cohen to lie about a Trump Tower project in Moscow that was underway during the ’16 presidential campaign.

This projected circus testimony will take place when Cohen, the president’s former lawyer, publicly appears before the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Will anything change?

Other than amping up the theatrics, on BOTH sides of the aisle!!! 

The public needs, and wants, some corroboration…pure EVIDENCE.

Sadly, way to-o-o many American citizens could care less about this entire mess…

That pathetic, yet guaranteed reaction, highlights an astonishing disintegration of morality in American politics.

The testimony, I predict, will underscore ALL too many of the unsavory themes and stories that have recurred in public reporting about Trump and his band of missed-guided sycophants for the better part of two decades.

Partisan showboating will take center stage.

Fool’s gold, anyone?

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