Michael Dean Cohen, you’re on…

The favorite son of Western Michigan University Cooley Law School is, and will be, center stage before ALL the strobe lights of Washington, DC – today through Thursday of this week.

“Disgraced felon Michael Cohen is going to prison for lying to Congress and making other false statements.” America’s number one press secretary said earlier this morning.

“Sadly, he will go before Congress this week and we can expect more of the same. It’s laughable that anyone would take a convicted liar like Cohen at his word, and pathetic to see him given yet another opportunity to spread his lies,” the loquacious Sarah Sanders stated.

Words like disgracedlyingfalse statementslaughable…and pathetic certainly could, and do, apply to her boss as well, don’t you think?!!?

Lanny Davis, a lawyer and adviser to Cohen, declined to discuss details of Cohen’s testimony, saying only that Cohen “worked very hard on this moment to not only tell the truth, but to back it up with documents.”

Davis said Cohen’s response to questions about his truthfulness will be “I take full responsibility, I lied in the past; now you have to decide if I’m telling the truth.”

Republican allies on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform will aggressively question Cohen’s credibility, trying to paint him as a liar and accusing him of fabricating stories to help his cause.

We’d ALL be well-served to keep in mind that Cohen is anything other than the sleazy snake-oil salesman that he is, just because he’s testifying about a piece of feces we think is worse.

Truth as an act of revenge or as an act of moral catharsis is irrelevant to the old Lobsterman.

So long as he tells the truth and backs it up with Evidence, Evidence, and more Evidence.

Calm the white caps, Michael…calm the white caps!

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