THE SCRIPT remains the SAME!

Why did we need to go though this to find out that Clemson and Alabama were the best two football teams for 2018?

Pretty obvious that Notre Dame did NOT belong in the playoffs!

Since 2014, it seems like nothing changes…it’s the same school bands at halftime.

On Monday, January 7, 2019, the same two school bands will perform before and at halftime…AGAIN.

Alabama will play Clemson.

Why Notre Dame was in the playoff is beyond me…? As history continues to show us, they fold like a Blue Book returned to you, with an exam grade of D, at the end of your freshman year.

Blue Books and I had a tortured relationship until the day I met my wife-to-be, almost fifty-four years ago, so I know of what I speak.

Clearly the top 3 teams in the country are Alabama, Clemson and Georgia [it was clear the ‘Dawgs should have been in these playoffs after watching last night’s games].

I don’t care what sort of convoluted rationalization you want to throw out in support of Notre Dame…facts matter. There is NO question as regards their “academic standards” vs. what goes on at other schools. That can NOT be denied.

With that fact being recognized, they just aren’t that competitive when they face real competition in the arena  of ‘big boy’ football, under the glare of prime-time television audiences, when it matters most.

Closed discussion!!!

But, it’s always worth watching Notre Dame get obliterated, pounded, destroyed, and punished for being a pretender, rather than a contender!!!!!!!!!!!! 

So what we are left with, after the travesties of BOTH games last night, Alabama will face Clemson, the fourth playoff matchup between the teams – and third in the national title game in four years.

Both teams are 14-0.

With five national championships in the past nine years, Alabama’s reign over college football has become perpetual. Players and assistants come and go, opposing coaches are hired and fired, and still the Tide loom over the rest of the sport.

I’ll have much more on the run-up to the crowning of a national champion as the next eight days rolls [catch that??!!] on.

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