An article of investor faith collapsing?



Investors responded yesterday by hammering the stock of Facebook, one of the world’s most valuable companies. Shares of the social media giant fell 19 percent, wiping out roughly $120 billion of shareholder wealth, among the largest one-day destruction of market value that a company has ever suffered.

Facebook has NEVER been anything but smoke and mirrors – an empty vessel that suckers people into freely giving it information that it does NOT own, that it then turns around and sells for a profit – with NO value [except a friends’ list and a whole bunch of narcissistic selfies].

It has made us a nation of suckers, and has commoditized our humanity to a degree NO other industry has ever done, to the best of my memory.

It didn’t make us happier and better-connected; it made us resentful and anxious.

Be honest!

It created a perfect pipeline for disseminated lies and divisive propaganda.

It gave us Trump…


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