Most of a certain age will NEVER forget Richard Milhous Nixon.

The revelation of his “enemies list.”

So on the edge all the time…

How could we have elected a person who was so paranoid?

Well, Donald John Trump has set a new ‘gold’ standard for paranoia.

He paints himself as some kind of “victim” in ALL things.

The glow of the spotlight, and, heaven knows, our Victim-in-Chief adores the spotlight.

Jumping into the public outcry over remarks by the comedian Roseanne Barr, the current president did NOT condemn the Twitter post about a black former aide to  Obama that led to the swift cancellation of Barr’s ABC sitcom.

Instead, Trump expressed his own grievances on Wednesday and yesterday with what the network’s on-air personalities have said about him, and insisted he was the one who deserved an apology.

Does any rational person really care that Trump feels offended for a false equivalency?

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