Circle Tuesday, April 10th on your calendar.

That’s the day, supposedly, Marky Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, is to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

A possible ‘buttered popcorn’ day!

Zuckerberg has NOT formally accepted the invitation, but it appears he’s inclined to do so, as his social-networking company faces ‘intensifying pressure’ over policies that allowed data on up to 50 million individuals to be transferred to Cambridge Analytica tied to Donald John Trump’s ’16 campaign.

Leg irons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A congressional hearing is generally the last place any corporate chief wants to be.

Bread and water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Testifying before Congress after such a blatant scandal can be a high-wire act for any CEO.

Solitary confinement for the first 30 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zuckerberg, who has NEVER given public congressional testimony, can likely expect a grilling ! from lawmakers [one hopes] from BOTH sides of the aisle.

Tech stocks are suffering one of their worst beatings in years ! as investors reassess a sector that faces the prospect of greater regulatory scrutiny.

Shower permission once a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The hard part in such a setting, within the Swamp community, is balancing ! the various constituencies a CEO has to address: the lawmakers in the room, who have the authority to impose new regulations on the industry; the company’s customers, Facebook’s more than two billion users in this case, who can be turned off by what they hear; and the company’s shareholders, who want to see their chief fend off additional pressure to the company – and, its stock price.

NO visitation rights for 90 days, with the exception of Roseanne Barr.

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