The White House is going to start smelling like a landfill in 98 degree heat.

Former ’16 Deputy Campaign Manager for the World of the Trumpkins, Ricky Gates, finally dumped his load ! on the front lawn of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue yesterday afternoon.

And, Gates did NOT require the injection of a coffee enema, by the way.

Just hearing special counsel Bobby Mueller clear his throat a couple of times seems to have done the trick!

It would appear, to this old lobsterman, there is a lot of lying to the FBI going on among Trump’s advisors and 2016 campaign officials.

Gates has finally agreed to cooperate ! with the special counsel inquiry into Russia’s interference in the ’16 election after pleading guilty to financial fraud and lying to investigators.

Ricky faces up to nearly six years in prison.

His plea deal could be a significant development in the investigation – a sign that Gates plans to offer incriminating information against his longtime associate and the former Trump campaign chairman, Paulie Manafort [OED defines ‘slime-ball’ with a picture of Paulie], and possibly other members of the ’16 campaign in exchange for a lighter punishment.

What this dramatic turn-of-events might mean for the 45th president depends on what Ricky has to offer Mueller, though at the least, the plea agreement is further evidence that the Trump campaign attracted a cast of advisers who overstepped legal and ethical boundaries.

My maternal grandmother was the first to emphasize to me that you can judge a person by the friends they keep.

It’s pretty clear Trump NEVER had such conversations with any of his family members because he has clearly surrounded himself – for the better part of three decades – with liars and thieves with ties to foreign adversarial governments, dirty money-laundering, and smelly toads who have repeatedly cheated our government of taxes they should have paid.

Oh, I can’t wait for Bobby Mueller to release Trump’s tax returns.

Hopefully, by the end of this weekend, General Kelly‘s new task/responsibility will be to keep the chief inhabitant of the White House supplied with a steady inventory of DEPEND.


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