PABLUM is defined by OED as “simplistic thoughts and ideas.”

It very well could, and does, apply to the continuous follies of the 45th president.

Donald John Trump lashed out – again – at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, suggesting the president’s supporters should pressure Sessions to focus the investigation into Russian election meddling on Obama’s administration.

Taking to Twitter, Trump said that the meddling occurred while Obama was in office and asked why his predecessor didn’t intervene.

Question: If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren’t they the subject of the investigation? Why didn’t Obama do something about the meddling? Why aren’t Dem crimes under investigation? Ask Jeff Session! [someone needs to review the names and faces of his cabinet with him…soon]

“Ask Jeff Session!” he concluded, misspelling the last name !!! of his attorney general [Trump later sent a new version of the tweet with the correct spelling].

This morning’s tweet was the latest in Trump’s often angry running commentary on the investigation in the five days since special counsel Mueller announced a sweeping indictment of what prosecutors say is a notorious Russian group of Internet trolls.

As he has in other tweets, Trump tried to deflect attention ! from questions about whether his campaign colluded with Russia – an allegation he has vigorously denied.

The Obama administration did take some actions toward Russia before the election but its most significant retaliatory measure came after Trump’s victory. Obama ordered 35 Russian diplomats and suspected intelligence agents to leave the United States, and he also imposed sanctions on some Russian individuals and organizations.

This past August, Trump signed a sanctions bill that passed with large bipartisan majorities but said it was “seriously flawed” at the time [NEVER clearly defining what he meant!].

Since then, his administration has drawn criticism for failing to implement the sanctions.

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