We’re coming up on about 36 hours before the 45th president gives his first State of the Union address.

NO matter what any politician [including the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters] or pundit [yes, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell] may be saying this morning, tomorrow night is a “must ticket” for ALL Americans.

First, it must be said, NONE of the worst fears of this petulant child have really come to pass. Yes, Donald John Trump is a complete embarrassment to most rational-thinking countrymen! with his moronic behavior; ill-mannered presence; and, worst of ALL – total ignorance of the ways and means of “how” our government operates [which is the area of deepest concern for me as we anticipate Year II.

Also, significantly, it should be mentioned, we have had NO direct military confrontation with North Korea [although the state of Hawaii seemed NOT to have been made aware of that matter].

With ALL that being said, at least, from my vantage point, there are four campaign promises that Trump hasn’t begun to put a dent in:

  • ObamaCare/Healthcare;
  • Infrastructure;
  • Trade;
  • and, the most critical to the country, as a whole – IMMIGRATION. 

As you can tell, I’m weakening, tomorrow night looks to be one for buttered popcorn.

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